Sunday, October 04, 2009

So You Think You Can Vants

Meet Guillermo Kristolito.

Now, no one will go on record and state with 100%, "Yes, Iraq absolutely has WMD!"-level certainty who has the lead in the great Washington Post "They Shoot Pundit's Don't they?"

Send-Us-Some-Virtually-Free-Content Dance Off, but my deep-cover sources tell me that the mysterious "Senor Kristolito" currently has the inside track.

According to my mole, "Senior Que" promises to "...bring to the Post an "Omega 7" sensibility wrapped in a Noonaesque style (with John Stossel-y sprinkles) that will be a welcome addition to our pages, and help provide some much-needed balance to Radical Liberals like Richard Cohen, and sensible Centrists like (former Bush speechwriter) Michael Gerson, (Bill Kristol's Neocon PNAC Tree fort buddy and the "Billy Baldwin" of the odious House of Kagan) Robert Kagan and (Smirky douchette) Kathleen Parker."

Seriously, if this is a trend -- if America's papers of record are going to make a habit of economizing by firing staff out the back door and running writing contests in the front window to fill up the columns -- as a battled-scarred veteran of several too many such two-bit promotional gimmicks I suggest Fred Hiatt learn from his betters and at least get himself

some sweeter graphics.


Mike Goldman said...

I come here, and I never know whether to laugh or cry.

Serving Patriot said...

Does this mean you are not entering Drifty???
