Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our Man In Saigon Kabul

A thoroughly corrupt government propped up with American money and power.

A brutal, growing insurgency that feeds off of national frustration with that corruption and occupation.

A local soldiery which, after eight years, still can't get its shit together enough to fight its country's wars or keep its country's peace.

All of which will be set right by sending in a lot more US troops.

Because as history shows, there is no conflict on Earth too far away, too alien, too awash in nepotism and big money narcotics and too sick of our boots on their land that it cannot be turned around by

pouring more American blood and treasure on it.


Woody (Tokin Librul/Rogue Scholar/ Helluvafella!) said...

I think it may safely be predicted that, in the pinch, Karzai WON'T be on the 'last' chopper out of Kabul, but will be somewhere near the front of the line?

citydweller said...

Yeah - I saw the FRONTLINE episode last nite on "Obama's War" and I came away with the exact same nasty feeling of deja-vu...

tanbark said...

ahh, yes. The ladder-to-the-roof shot of the Saigon CIA station.

To be reprised at some future date in Kabul, and, almost certainly, in Le Zone Verde.