Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday Morning Comin’ Down

Early, running-out-the-door-in-disgust edition.

In which this week's exciting episode of "The Trifleman" features

John McCain taking George Stephanopoulos camping.
Shows him how to catch a fish.
Start a fire.

After which Stephanopoulos grills him mercilessly on the status of the U.S. military.

Stephanopoulos: Exactly how awesome is our military, pa?

McCain: Very awesome, Georgie-boy. Very awesome.


Cirze said...

Nicely put, Dg.

And how many rightwingnut corporate fathers do you think Georgie Porgie has?

Seems like they all are Pa to him.


Distributorcap said...

i used to see Georgie at the gym on his cell --- no more, he is too busy with the big boys

aint that awesome