Monday, August 17, 2009

They Came to Casablanca for the Waters

Every outgroup generates a tiny minority of emotional cripples so damaged by cowardice and self-loathing that they'll sell out their own group for the amusement of the Cool Kids.

Sometimes they're called quislings, or kapos or Uncle Ruckus.

Until they get a job on FoxNews.

Then they're called "spokesman".

1 comment:

Cirze said...

And then they are quite confused after their utility has expired to find that they are no longer a valued member of the in crowd.

People with the integrity of Jonah Goldberg, etc., then up the ante, and are in our face constantly (if you actually watch this trash) as they plead, plead with us to take them seriously now.

Aren't they impressive?

Droves must be flooding into the ranks of these Conservatives.



so damaged by cowardice and self-loathing that they'll sell out their own group for the amusement of the Cool Kids.