(click pic for larger)
As much as I might wish they had simply perished under the sheer weight of their own depravity, one cannot cannot underestimated the deleterious effect on earlier bigot coalitions of looking really bad on teevee. The camera does not love pasty, sneering, bloated, tick-riddled rednecks, which is why the post-Nixon GOP has always kept an eye out for Teh Compliant Stupid sporting good tits and fuck-me hair.
She's a nobody, a no matter.
Give her no grace, or space.
She's a nobody, and the repubs are no one.
Save the tyme and rhyme, for the dem's.
The reghugs are of no matter . . .
As long as we call them for what they are.
hipocrazy on a stick..... gah.
The disappointment in California grows daily...
That the repubs are reduced to pimping this bimbo to carry their "family values" hate-mongering football (which has utterly backfired on them, now that she's been exposed as a screaming boobjob-and-panty-shots-for-Jesus hypocrite is a wonderful yardstick for how desperate they are.
Kudos to the old poonster, Trump, too, for not taking the Miss California title from her. :o)
Andy Borowitz, playing around with a wished-for Trump presser quote:
"I like what I've seen of Carrie, and I'd like to see a lot more of her." :o)
Keep whimpering, Carrie; we love it when you guys embarrass the faithful and get caught with your pants down.
Her top, her top, Tan, was down, panties are up.
Same results, though.
Mean and ugly.
CA ain't done with her just yet, she WILL suffer. LIkely from her own idiocy . . . .
Keep talking, Miss California.
Keep talking.
(You, too, Dick Cheney!)
Actually, to be serious here, those "revealing" photos show her natural tits to be pleasantly alluring. Sexy. Perfect. As her God made her.
Good, but not good enough? For what? That airbag job means a lifetime of conscious fakeitude. And now, those fake-o balloons will always be right there first in the room, for all the world to see.
Too bad, you airhead and waterchest. In the mythology you so blindly follow, Satan wins.
Aloha, pua t'ing,
except her tits are not real
The only real gripe I have with Miss California, and I have many posts about it on my blog, is all the things that came after.
She was inarticulate, so she received low marks on the interview section and therefore could not take first place. Fine, and then Perez Hilton had to be stupid and use misogyny to discredit her narrow views when it could have just died.
But then she had to parade around like the victim, and all the religious righters rushed to her defense. When we all know if she had said anything else, they would not be trying to defend her half naked pictures.
As, Driftglass your comments all bleed on top of eachother. :-/
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