Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Morning Comin’ Down

Whether spoken and unspoken, there was pretty much one subject everywhere today: Just how big of a “But this one will let the water out!” hole are Republicans going to blow in the bottom of their already-hull-shattered Garbage Scow Of Fools over the confirmation of judge Sonia Sotomayor to the United States Supreme Court?

And however much some of the gutless and sotto voce Republicans who are holding onto the fragments of their party by their fingernails might wish otherwise, from the glimpses we get virtually every day into the mushy skull of Rush "GOP Maximum Leader For Life" Limbaugh and the charcoal heart of GOP wind-up hate puppet and leading 2012 presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich,

all signs point to a nice big one.


StringonaStick said...

So, which story will now get more play, the asassination of the Doctor in Kansas or Sotomayor?

And how long until the wingers tie the two together? Stupid question on my part since I am sure they already have.

satch said...

I never underestimate the Pugs/Cons ability to keep pushing the terms of public debate ever rightward. We just came off probably the most disastrous administration since the founding of the republic. The Pugs ran the most incompetent presidential campaign, with the lamest ticket, I've ever seen them run (they blow at governing, but usually excel at campaigning), and STILL, almost 47% 0f the voters looked at the McCain/Palin monkeyfuck and said: "Yeah...THAT'S the leadership we need!" Oh...they'll be back. The right may be clinically insane, but it has a huge, well funded media megaphone, and a roster of golem-like shills that I wish the Dems could match.

Phil said...

Damn the torpedoes!

Full speed ahead!

Those aren't rocks!

Why are my feet wet?

Fuckin' assholes.