Sunday, May 03, 2009

Sunday Morning Comin’ Down - Flash Early Edition

Let’s just say that watching David Gregory try to “take on” Arlen Specter “Russert-style” (Read a quote. Arch an eyebrow. Say “Well…” Read another quote.) on “Meet the Press” was like watching a baby duck trying to suckle a pine tree.

And that the visually ill-advised decision to pair Republican Joe “Buck” Scarborough and Republican Ed “Ratso” Gillespie together

to talk about the future of the GOP...

...lead to some indelibly hilarious “Midday Cowboy”

mental images being burned into your humble scrivener’s head (click pic for Scary Large.)

Although their final moments together in the NBC Green Room talking about how desperately weak and vulnerable the GOP really is (no embeddable clip available) --
Ratso: I don't think I can walk anymore.

I've been fallin' down a lot. I'm scared...You know what they do to ya when, when they know you can't, when they find out that you can't wa...walk.

Oh Christ.

-- were touching and memorable.

More later, after I drink this stink outta my skull.

Until then, pretty music:


Anonymous said...

Yes, listening to Specter reprise his greatest hits (hey, I opposed the Bork nomination)was enough to make one lose their sunday morning pancakes. For the past eight years, his main use for the weekend gas bag outlets, has been to express his faux outrage at one thing or another. "Yes Tim or George, I am outraged that Alberto Gonzolez has wiped his ass with the constition for the 164th time this year, and as chair of the judiciary commitee, I promise to almost lauch hearings on this miscarriage of justice, as I have almost done on numerous occasions thouout my 28 year history of almost doing things." one mention Anita Hill.

Larue said...

That's two Midnight Cowboy references . . .

Good tho. Great flick. Still.