Friday, April 17, 2009

Smearer, Smearer On The Wall

For my money, nothing sums up the sheer, Potemkin village hi-larity of yesterday's teabagging silliness than the headline of this editorial from today's Wall Street Journal:
"Republicans and the Tea Parties" by Karl Rove.

Because nothing screams Raw!Street!Rebel!Credibility more loudly than:
A fawning, pro-Bush, pro-wingnut, fact-challenged article...

Published in the Ultra Right Wing billionaire Rupert Murdoch's "Wall Street Journal"...

Written by serial Bush Administration traitor and subpoena-ignorer, Karl Rove...

About a series of corporate sponsored mini-Wingnut Gallapaloozae, underwritten by (among others) loutish misanthrope and former Republican House Majority Leader, Dick Armey...

And which exist only because of their relentless pimping by Ultra Right Wing billionaire Rupert Murdoch's "Fox News".


dguzman said...

Oh, I should've included this one on my latest post on projectile-vomiting-inducing hedlines and ledes.

Excuse me, I have to go--!

karen marie said...

rove still has not testified before congress, in response to that subpoena, has he?

Anonymous said...

And doesn't Karl Turdblossom Rove look just like one of those Lucha Libre Mexican leatherhead wrestlers in the Official Driftglass Mirror?

Except fatter, uglier and smellier.

I say: Set up a match between Karl the Turd and Peggy the Piggy (Noonan). The sow who sings "Walk on By" when someone brings up torture and any evidence of it.

Who the fuck does Peggy the Piggy think she is? Dionne Warwick?