Monday, March 02, 2009

Sunday Morning Cartoons:

The recession deprives us of the funds necessary for really top-shelf supervillains.

So we are left with the likes of Harold Ford ...The Quibbler.


Oilfieldguy said...

This comes a little late...I have been predisposed. Congrats on winning the bloggiest blogger award. Sometimes I have delusions of writing talent. You set the bar somewhere between the stratosphere and a geosynchronous orbit.

You make us all better by being the phenomenal wordsmith that you are.

Rehctaw said...

Hedge bettors break even, but they're still broken. If there was ever a time to go all in for progressive ideals and a better future, I haven't seen it.

There have been countless turning points in history written as the best possible outcome. These stories, written by the victors feed the progressive soul.

From their cold. dead. hands.

Song and dance men like the Quibbler can then claim they were behind it all the way.

Fran / Blue Gal said...

It felt like Harold Ford had been kneeling at the foot of Joe Scarborough's bed, and then they hadda leave and go do this show. Wonder what they did after. Inside the beltway collegiality is another word for...