Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thought For Today

After leading us -- limping and wounded -- away from the precipice of economic disaster, over the next eight years President Obama's hardest job is going to be the reclamation and rehabilitating of a gibbering, toxic scrumfuck called the Republican Party.


Rehctaw said...

We can learn much from Cats.

They, at least, contain and bury their turdballs.

The rebranding, redefining, re-upping of wingnut excrement makes it no less palatable, no less wrong, no less dismissive, small-minded, short-sighted or divisive.

Nothing short of abject rejection and repudiation of the wingnut dogma `olds out `ope for the future.

There is very little worth salvage. Reclaiming the bits and pieces hijacked and tagged as "Made in Wingnuttia" would be a process too tedious and pointless to bother. In nearly all cases the remnants are tainted, infected, contaminated, or downright toxic.

Sanctions need to be swift, specific and effective. There's a real urge to purge that should be encouraged.

Distributorcap said...

obama can try and try and try -- the republicans will never be anything than a party of rich white war-mongers who will destroy anything that keeps them from power - including people that vote for them! the only idea they have is helping themselves.

i give obama credit for trying - but it is a hopeless cause. sane people repsond to overtures, not the insane

jurassicpork said...

Here are my thoughts for the day:

Here's a transcript of a letter I wrote to Hal Turner's former handler at the FBI. Turner and I are just starting up a flame war and I will not rest until that fat fuck has been booted off and put up on federal charges for threatening to assassinate and to call for the assassination of 246 congressmen and congresswomen.

If you would follow the link to Turner's website and have it flagged as violent, objectionable or whatever, I'd sure appreciate it. Turner thinks he can afford to laugh at me.

He thought wrong. That fat fuck got on my radar screen and may God have mercy on his sick soul because I sure as Hell won't.