It's time to lead.
I know you're a "process guy" who genuinely believes that every stakeholder with honorable intentions should be offered a chair at the table and a shot at helping shape policy regardless of party affiliation.
And I know that you're smarter than Benjamin Disraeli freebasing Cato the Elder.
And that's just super great and all, but some of us out here on the slaughterhouse floor of the American Dream are getting very concerned that you have somehow failed to notice the Reagan-era backwash sloshing around in the leadership caste of the GOP are not honorable people. That they do not give a shit about the good of the nation and they are not capable of divesting themselves of their failed ideology even as the rubble created by their President and their policies continues to burn out of control on every horizon.
As they line up to bend over backwards and kiss the Whiny Stone at the Rush Limbaugh Ass-Smooching Booth -- sweaty dollar bills clutched in their tiny hands -- it is painfully clear that what there in nothing left inside the skin of the Party of Lincoln but a squalling bunch of the Gingrich Nazgûl. Wingnut Ringwraiths who see their only future as one where a President Palin and Vice President Joe the Vice President rule forever over a permanent, drooling feudalist Idiocracy.
And because this is the only version of future in which the modern Republican Party can have any hope of weidling power, it is towards this horrifying tomorrow they relentlessly drive.
Of course the bloodlust-drive foreign policy and Ponzi economics of the last eight years are an obscenity.
And of course a failure to act to save the nation will lead to catastrophe.
Obama: Catastrophe coming if Congress doesn't act
President Barack Obama said Wednesday the recession will turn into "a catastrophe" if the economic stimulus is not passed quickly, lobbying anew for the plan as its price tag climbed above $900 billion and drew more criticism.
The president rejected several complaints about the plan, including arguments that tax cuts alone would solve the problem or that longer-term goals such as energy independence and health care reform should wait. Obama opposed such piecemeal approaches.
Instead, he argued that recalcitrant lawmakers need to get behind him, saying the American people embraced his ideas when they elected him president in November.
While urging members of Congress to act swiftly, he also promised to make changes to the legislation, which has been criticized as larded with spending that won't have an immediate impact on the economy.
"No plan is perfect, and we should work to make it stronger," Obama told reporters at the White House. "Let's not make the perfect the enemy of the essential. Let's show people all over our country who are looking for leadership in this difficult time that we are equal to the task."
Obama has sought each day to ratchet up the pressure on lawmakers, bringing different supportive groups to the White House, scheduling a series of TV interviews, even traveling to a charter school to tout one portion of the bill.
"A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe and guarantee a longer recession, a less robust recovery, and a more uncertain future," he said. "That's why I feel such a sense of urgency about the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Plan."
We out here on your Left know all that. Hell, we've known and have been screaming it at anyone who would listen for, oh, about 30 years now.
And we like it that you are the kind of guy who can man-up and admit a mistake.
What we now fear is you have somehow failed to notice that those on your Right -- those directly responsible for the profligate, tragic waste of so much American blood and treasure -- have never, ever apologized once for their lies, their treason and their disastrous choices.
That you have somehow failed to notice that the only thing they're sorry for is that they didn't manage to bomb the shit out of a few more countries, cut a few more taxes, liquidate a little bit more of our already-threadbare social safety net, and abolish a few more pesky health, safety and environmental regulations.
That you have somehow failed to notice that the GOP is following Rush ever deeper into a slobbering, totalitarian abyss
"These Republicans are scared to death of Rush Limbaugh because he is the most powerful person in that party. Which is kind of odd that a political party has a radio talk show host as its intellectual power house, but that's today's Republican Party, and we Democrats have to acknowledge that."
because the destruction of the United States as a tolerant, pluralistic, Middle Class nation has always been their goal.
UPDATE: Many thanks to Urantian Sojourn for the sweet Weblog Award e-bling upgrade. Of course, now I have to go back and remonogram all my underpants...
Dear Mr. Driftglass,
You are , without a doubt, the most insightful political writer alive today. How in gods name you are not on the front page of the NY Times, LA Times, Wall St. pennysaver, ad nauseum, is a source of chronic befuddlement to me. There is nowhere else for me to turn to get the unvarnished, cleansing view of the shit storm that I have seen brewing for decades and is now building into a category 10 hurricane while Glenn Storm Trooper Beck gets unlimited airtime on our video screens. Thank you...thank you...thank you. And I hope Glenn Beck's pension gets bought by the Chicago Tribune and gets pissed away on hookers and blow.
Amen, dg. Amen.
Talked to a pal today. She's sixty. No job. No prospect of a job. Six months from having to sell her place to raise cash -- if she can sell it. Time to stop the bipartisan pony plan and lead, BHO.
How in gods name you are not on the front page of the NY Times, LA Times, Wall St. pennysaver, ad nauseum, is a source of chronic befuddlement to me.
He's not there because he's the most insightful political writer today, i.e., feature, not bug.
Don't hold your breath...
About the leadership, I mean.
In order to fix ANY of the Busdhvik fuckups, he would have to attack certain structural problems in the system.
Well, they're not problems for the elites.
But for the rest of us? Oy!
And the elites are smart. They would never in a million years permit anyone to assume the reins of power in that system who posed the faintest scintilla of a threat to actually UNDO any of the things to which the Elites/Oligarchs/Aristos are "entitled," but the undoing of which are important to solving any of the clusterfucks the Busheviks left behind...
And I still have those airline tix for you mi amigo. (the ones I offered up on inauguration eve...ahhh... so long ago...OBH STILL hasn't fixed the world! Just say ok and I'll get them to you asafp.
You nailed Americans' primal fear, Driftglass: That Obama can be nibbled away or is too compromising.
I feared that, too. Until I read Greg Palast's "Obama is a two-faced liar. Aw-RIGHT!"
Sure, we have an endless parade of media asshats ass-uring us that "Americans don't want Obama's stimulus package." Ass-wipes like Lou Dobbs, who protesteth overmuch that he's an "independent." Right, the way eva peron was a shy peasant girl.
Those teevee empty suits keep giving air time to fucking losers like chipmunk John McSame McCain. (The anal wipe we whomped in November, who tells us there are much better things to do with stimulus money than weatherizing homes and reducing dependence on foreign oil. Tho His Horribleness McCaniac never comes up with alternatives.)
But I agree with Palast -- BO might be a superb knee-cracking, face-breaking Chicago street fighter. Who only dons the cloak of Kumbaya and "We MUST listen to these mental dwarves, Republicans, to show what nice inclusive folks we are" to amplify Republicans' pissing, moaning and whining. He doesn't look bad; they look like shit.
Obama, his Go Big stimulus pkg and America don't need those genetic defects. (None one asshat Republican voted for the economic stimulus pkg in the House.) So, who gives a flaming fuck ... except to show how post-partisan we are. snicker. As they drown in front of Real America in their own puke.
I still have supreme confidence in Mr. Obama, especially now that I realize what a shark-like player he truly is.
Here's Palast. It's nice with a glass of warm milk before beddie byes.
Obama is a two-faced liar. Aw-RIGHT!
by Greg Palast
January 29, 2009
Republicans are right. President Barack Obama treated them like dirt, didn't give a damn what they thought about his stimulus package, loaded it with a bunch of programs that will last for years and will never leave the budget, is giving away money disguised as "tax refunds," and is sneaking in huge changes in policy, from schools to health care, using the pretext of an economic emergency.
Way to go, Mr. O! Mr. Down-and-Dirty Chicago pol. Street-fightin' man. Covering over his break-your-face power play with a "we're all post-partisan friends" BS.
And it's about time.
Frankly, I was worried about this guy. Obama's appointing Clinton-droids to the Cabinet, bloated incompetents like Larry Summers as "Economics Czar," made me fear for my country, that we'd gotten another Democrat who wished he were a Republican.
Then came Obama's money bomb. The House bill included $125 billion for schools (TRIPLING federal spending on education), expanding insurance coverage to the unemployed, making the most progressive change in the tax code in four decades by creating a $500 credit against social security payroll deductions, and so on.
It's as if Obama dug up Ronald Reagan's carcass and put a stake through The Gipper's anti-government heart. Aw-RIGHT!
About the only concession Obama threw to the right-wing trogs was to remove the subsidy for condoms, leaving hooker-happy GOP Senators, like David Vitter, to pay for their own protection. S'OK with me.
And here's the proof that Bam is The Man: Not one single Republican congressman voted for the bill. And that means that Obama didn't compromise, the way Clinton and Carter would have, to win the love of these condom-less jerks.
And we didn't need'm. Nyah! Nyah! Nyah!
Now I understand Obama's weird moves: dinner with those creepy conservative columnists, earnest meetings at the White House with the Republican leaders, a dramatic begging foray into Senate offices. Just as the Republicans say, it was all a fraud. Obama was pure Chicago, Boss Daley in a slim skin, putting his arms around his enemies, pretending to listen and care and compromise, then slowly, quietly, slipping in the knife. All while the media praises Obama's "post-partisanship." Heh heh heh.
Love it. Now we know why Obama picked that vindictive little viper Rahm Emanuel as staff chief: everyone visiting the Oval office will be greeted by the Windy City hit man who would hack up your grandma if you mess with the Godfather-in-Chief.
I don't know about you, but THIS is the change I've been waiting for.
Will it last? We'll see if Obama caves in to more tax cuts to investment bankers. We'll see if he stops the sub-prime scum-bags from foreclosing on frightened families. We'll see if he stands up to the whining, gormless generals who don't know how to get our troops out of Iraq. (In SHIPS, you doofusses!)
Look, don't get your hopes up. But it may turn out the new President's ... a Democrat!
Greg Palast's investigative reports for BBC and Rolling Stone can be seen at www.GregPalast.com. Palast is the author of New York Times bestsellers The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Armed Madhouse.
Please subscribe to our reports at www.GregPalast.com.
thanks drifty. I hope we can end all this bi-partisan love fest soon. these folks have 0 good intentions.
I like the mad-patriot-photo-shop-skills.
cross post at FL is wanted
And I know that you're smarter than Benjamin Disraeli freebasing Cato the Elder.
I think you've just retired snark as a concept, and with a slightly twisted compliment at that.
Dang - that's about 60% of the blogspace suddenly open... ;-)
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