Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Your Clown Shoes Are Too Small

To box with God.

Local clown denied admittance to nation's leading clown college.

From the WSJ:

Burris Backs Reid Into a Corner

Lost amid the scads of cameras and scrambling reporters seeking to get a glimpse or a word from former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris over the last 24 hours is one simple fact: Burris -- and, by extension, embattled Gov. Rod Blagojevich -- have backed Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) into a corner.

By keeping the highest media profile possible, Burris has made clear that he is not planning to simply step aside as the appointed senator from Illinois because of Blagojevich's problem. And, thanks to the carefully orchestrated work of surrogates like Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.), Burris has ensured that the racial component will play a central role in any analysis of the standoff.

The refusal to seat Burris today -- based on the fact that Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White had not formally certified the appointment -- is a temporary solution at best.

"Sorry, Mr. Burris," said the three-inch-high man, "but as the sign clearly says, you must be This Tall to ride this ride."


Anonymous said...

Guess Reid (D-spineless) is first clown among many.

From today's N.Y. Times:

"...The case for rejecting Mr. Burris is made especially troubling by the cavalier way in which some have suggested that the Senate can reject an appointee for any reason it chooses. That is wrong. The Senate’s power to decide is only the power to decide correctly under the law, not the power to decide however the majority of the Senate prefers to decide.

...that some reasons for denying Mr. Burris this seat might not be subject to review by the courts means that the Senate should take more care, not less. As we emerge from eight years of extravagant executive claims of unreviewable authority, Congress should be especially scrupulous about having a solid legal basis for controversial actions...."

LONG past time we return to the Rule of Law after 8 years of our Crawford Caligua's lawlessness.

If this means that the Democrats suffer, then so be it.

Country above Party.

Anonymous said...

welcome to the clown parade:

Senate Democrats Now See a Path to Seat for Burris


WASHINGTON — REVERSING THEMSELVES, Senate Democratic leaders on Wednesday morning opened the door to allowing Roland W. Burris to replace President-elect Barack Obama in the Senate.

...Though Mr. Burris still has some obstacles to clear before he takes Mr. Obama’s seat, the fact that the leadership was now discussing a path for him to become senator was a MAJOR RETREAT from last week when Mr. Reid and others were determined to prevent his joining the Senate under any circumstances....


...“I know Roland Burris,” the president-elect said. “Obviously, I’ve — he’s from my home state. I think he’s a fine public servant. If he gets seated, then I’m going to work with Roland Burris, just like I work with all the other senators, to make sure that the people of Illinois and the people of the country are served.”...


...Senior Democratic officials are now saying that there is a growing sense among Senate Democrats and advisers to Mr. Obama that Mr. Burris should ultimately be seated, as long as it can be done in a FACE-SAVING WAY for Democrats who had initially said they would block the appointment, made by Mr. Blagojevich....