Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Early Favorite for the 2009

“Not Even Trying Anymore” Award.

Like thousands of you, I get my entertainment cheap, lazy and delivered to my email doorstep daily in the form of offers to help me secure several million dollars and an untold number of hot foreign ladies in exchange for my help and PIN number, requests for my Urgent Respectful Attention, verification alerts for my non-existent PayPal account and all the rest.

And at some level I accept that the same dark alchemy which gave us the Global Debt Crash Dance Party (based on some obscure formulation handed down like Skill-and-Bones rituals to 3rd year Econ students at the U of C) also means that if you crank out enough zero-value email crap, somehow, somewhere, someone gets rich.

(Although based on my own investigation of the subject – “Fear and Loathing on the Spam-pain Trail” --
  1. Spam and Punishment.
  2. Spamset Boulevard.
-- all such money trails seem to dead end in a hellhole of porn, HerbalLife and Russian server farms.)

Because it turns out that life really is more like a William Gibson novel as written by Bernie Madoff than we care to admit.

However, playa, if you’re gonna pee in the tall Chia with the big dogs, you’ll have to spring for the good spell checker; the one that doesn't prominently embed the word “CON”

in your errata.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A deeply dumb situation fer shur.
A comedy of errors replete with all the mind numbing stupidity,self serving chutzpah and snivelling cowardice one could ever ask for.Everthing that happens in Washington-and packaged for general teevee consumption on BCBSNBCFOX should be sped up on video and accompanied by the theme song from the Benny Hill Show.