Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Five Saddest Words on Teevee?


I guess the 60 million non-fatuous, non-billionaire Americans who haven't been spectacularly wrong about everything were all busy or dead or something.


Distributorcap said...

i will get back to you on this in one FU (6 months among other things!)

love the pic

Fran / Blue Gal said...

And the fact that he's attempting to take "the rational middle ground" on global warming (way to change the subject, Tom!) just makes it more pathetic. Friedman Units for Polar Bears! Yay!

Woody (Tokin Librul/Rogue Scholar/ Helluvafella!) said...

There you go, Drifty, forgetting that the Friedman estate recently took about a ninety-percent hit when his wife's family fortune--the basis for his billionaire status, in shopping malls, by the way--dropped to mere multi-millions, and not eve multi-HUNDREDS of millions...mere TENS of millions. It's a truly sad tale, and my heart really goes out to him and his family for their suffering. They wer just on the brink of buying a principality in southern Europe somewhere. Now they gotta settle for a very much lesser Antille...So sad...

Anonymous said...

Go gently with ol's Tommy, he's out of sorts because they had to cut the household staff. Hard times you know.

Cirze said...

I wondered what you would say about this horror blabfest. (And the words going through my mind during the chat? Captain (in)Obvious!)

This was certainly reason enough to revoke ole Charlie's license wasn't it?

I hope they have him on the weekend the country goes over the falls.

He'll make it sound so reasonable and expected by the good folks.
