Saturday, November 01, 2008

Chairman of "Unrepentent War Criminals For McCain"

Can no longer hide his love.

It just gets better and better:

Dick Cheney Endorses McCain

Sam Stein

November 1, 2008 01:34 PM

The Obama campaign gleefully sends over an announcement of a major endorsement.... for John McCain... by Dick Cheney.

"In three days we'll choose a new steward for the presidency and begin a new chapter in our history," the Vice President said Saturday morning. "It's the biggest decision that we make together as Americans. A lot turns on the outcome. I believe the right leader for this moment in history is Senator John McCain."

This isn't, perhaps, the story that McCain headquarters wants in the news, though the press is undoubtedly going to play it up. Cheney is, after all, the Vice President.

If there was one GOP official less liked than George Bush it is Cheney. His popularity remains only among the rabidly conservative base who - a year ago - chanted "four more years" when he spoke at the Conservative Political Action Committee conference in Washington D.C.

UPDATE: Sure enough, Obama is set to jump all over the endorsement, having some fun with it in the process. According to prepared remarks for a rally in Pueblo, Colorado.


Steve Gilliard once said: “When your enemy is drowning, throw them an anvil"

And some benevolent deity has now thrown St. John McSame the biggest anvil in Christendom.

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Anonymous said...

But you've got to admit that Sarah is giving Ol' Deadeye Dick a run for his money.

And DG, you are the only blogger that can use the word "Christendom" in such a context.

Anonymous said...

jesus! too bad. mccain just cannot catch a break, can he?

Anonymous said...

Mr. McSneer props up McCainiac.

Gosh and Golly, Gomer. Cheney came out of his "man-sized safe" in the bunkers under the East Wing of the White House ... to give some love to Mr. Two-Feet-In-Grave McCain.

We better listen to him, neh??

Cirze said...

How civil of you, Dg, to promote the nationwide voting information. How true. I should have known yours would be among the last blogs standing citizen alert.

The Cheney move may seem a little odd now, but it's a long way to Tipperary (Jan 2009), lots of big events (I'll bet) planned to shock and awe civilization even more.

And there are still lots of gifts to be given and received.

So please, vote Tuesday if you haven't voted already. At least you can say you tried to stop the coming deluge.

Rally down the night.


Anonymous said...

So far, as of 2am Sunday 11/2 (fall back left coast time) this has NOT been really BIG news anywhere but HuffPo. TPM picked it up. So did the usual suspects in the blogosphere.

But I've seen no serious CONDEMNATION or RIDICULE by any of the MSM. Not that I expected any. Nor have I seen any network big coverage of it, just the obligatory mentionis. Course, I don't have cable for CNN and MSNBC and all that REAL hard core news coverage . . . /snark.

Cheney's endorse? It's just another secret and coded message to the base. A very white message.

And really, WTF do we care ABOUT the base?

Nada. Zip. Zilch.

The big news to me is why all the info MSM and blogger wise I read Sat, 11/1, focused on the CLOSING OF THE GAP tween MonkeySame and Obama.

Why? How? Will the SNL gig McShame got bring them poll numbers even closer? To ensure they get paid for polling? Which is a way to generate ad revenue for the MSM in ad buys?

What crock. All that and a resurgence for McCain is white supremacy. It's the base.

Sex and violence and tension sells, unless it's ejected prematurely. Leaving everything limp.

Sigh. Capitalism at it's back alley cum guzzling gutter slut best.

Obama by 15% when it's over.

Ok, 10% to allow for rigged machines and whackaloons like the hag in PA in charge of voting . . . "Just spell my name right!"

What haggery is this!!!! *G*

Can't WAIT to be first in line Tuesday morning, in Sacto, CA. *G*

Anonymous said...

Given ol' Deadeye's approval numbers, even a good part of the base (oops, those are words that shouldn't go together) doesn't like him anymore. And yet they love Bible Spice, an even spittier spittin' image of Deadeye if there ever was one. How can this be?

I suspect the bubbawinger vote is OK with Cheney policies like torture, rendition, etc, as long as it is delivered by an ex-beauty queen. The thought probably does more for them than the little blue pill.

lostnacfgop said...

Damn, This bene-DICK-shun is The Pontiac Game Changing Performance of the campaign. Thanks, evil one, for putting Obama/Biden even further out of Geezer Reach.

And, dude, you look like *&%$! Your satantic compact must be coming to an end, with escrow about to close on your poor excuse for a soul.