Sunday, November 09, 2008

A big "Thank You"

for the very kind thought to melina, cheyanne and Anonymous for dropping my rolled up socks into the Great Barrel of Consideration over at the Weblog Awards

The 2008 Weblog Awards

and my continuous, ongoing and too-infrequently mentioned thanks to the wonderful blasphemers and sweet-smelling fellow America-haters who read, comment so insightfully, and say altogether too-nice things about the words I string together over here at my pie wagon.

I am deeply agnostic about awards in general -- realizing at once how important it is to shine a big light on those who till the digital soil so tirelessly, beautifully and usually uncompensatedly, how simply and greedily cool it feels to win stuff, and how easily contests of any kind can intrude as a source of unwanted and unasked for competition among people who should think of themselves as peers -- but I recognize and deeply appreciate the sentiments behind them.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Our award is reading your words, and your award is knowing that your words have touched us.

Of course if we could we'd ply you with Single Malts, treats for the cats, frilly things for the Castle wenches, and the like. But our loyalty shall have to serve instead. Yet we shall always spread the word:

Read driftglass first!

Anonymous said...

You always get my vote Drifty. Always.

Bluesborn said...

I'm a newcomer here,which in a way is quite delicious,like discovering a novelist who speaks to you in a way you didn't know was possible,who mirrors your thoughts and experiences with eloquence,humor and wit.Keep doing what you're doing.
You are brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Oh man... I LOVE this blog. I stop by every day. You have kept me sane over the past few years. Seriously.

Phil said...

You have no equal.

Not even Wolcotte, in my opinion.

Many an adult beverage has exited from the wrong orifice while reading your work.
It doesn't get better than that.

Thanks for all you do.


Phil said...

I seconded your nomination.
You can start celebrating now.

Bill said...

I've added my vote, Drifty. You're the number one on my list. Don't stop. I need my fix.

fahrender said...

never change ........

Anonymous said...

Sir your thoughts are a straitjacket on the insanity and your words comfortable as a classic three piece suit.