Monday, October 13, 2008

My Friends

When I was a POW we didn't have our own feet or the guns to shoot them with.

From the Department of "You Just Cannot Make This Shit Up" (h/t C&L), this --

-- is a picture of John McSame enjoying his time at the ACORN rally at which





Yeah, that ACORN.

Miami Dade College press release

Miami, Florida – February 20, 2006 ― Leaders from a diverse array of sectors will hold a rally in Miami on Thursday, February 23, 2006, in support of comprehensive immigration reform in an effort to keep immigration reform at the forefront of the public debate. Leaders from both political parties, immigrant communities, labor, business, and religious organizations will gather to call on Washington to enact workable reform.

The rally will feature Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) as the headline speaker
along with elected officials, immigrants and key local and national leaders. Sen. McCain is one of the chief sponsors of the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act; bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform legislation introduced last Congress and scheduled for consideration by the Senate in the coming weeks. A similar rally with Sen. McCain is planned for New York City on February 27

At some point you have to ask yourself, in all seriousness, "Is this guy trying to lose?"


Anonymous said...

Short answers to short questions...
No, he's just fucking incompetent.

Anonymous said...

Aw, comeon, he needs to make it LOOK like he tried before they hand this economic disaster off to Obama (that was the plan all along).

Mark my words, once Obama is in office the RWNM will be on full volume explaining to the low info citizen that the recession/depression/all-bad-things-in-the-world are Obama's fault and Democrats are horrible, horrible people who want you poor and suffering. You can bank on it (and not much else lately).

Anonymous said...

while my rational half agrees with Anonamoose above, i recall suggesting the same awhile back - that McCain's ultimate 'revenge' upon the Rove elements of the GOOP (Grand Old OLD Party) would be to run a loosing campaign. But then, that plot twist becomes something more like The Producers than the Manchurian Candidate.

anyhoo - the simplest answers lead the most truth, and I'd say Incompetence, too.

even my other two irrational halves can agree with that.

Anonymous said...

loosing? lossing? luu-Zing!

yeah, can't spell no more


Anonymous said...

New McSame/Impalin' rally cry...

teh stupid! it burnz!