Saturday, October 25, 2008

Gettin' Real Tired

Of the same species of degenerates

Passing their disease along like syphilis

And fucking up my planet

Generation after generation

After generation.

(Vid from the most recent Moose-and-Squirrely Bund Rally here)


Anonymous said...

Ya think your tired, I live in western PA and I'm up to my ears in pig people. John Murtha is absolutly right. I do a lot of industry work and most of these these worried about "change" workers are making $10 to $15 an hour. That is some hard shit these days. The NRA has them scared to death. Racism is a very deep and prevelant undercurrent. Where the hell that comes from not exactly sure, other than passed down from generation to generation. I work with a former college instructor that thinks Obama is gonna take his guns away! WTF! I suspect a majority of them could not define socialism. They seem to have an aversity to "ism" words.

Anonymous said...

Watching that vidio makes me ashamed of my fellow countrymen.

Anonymous said...

Those "morans" are gonna freak hard come 11.5.08.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of losers these people are.

How do they live with all that hate and racism?

Terry C, Obama/Biden 2008

Anonymous said...

Wow, driftglass. That's a really great video summation. However, if I may, I prefer the JCS 2000 version. Much nastier.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable, time for you monkeys to evolve already!

Anonymous said...

Evolve or get off the planet!

And Jeebus wept.