First Witch:
When shall we three meet again?Second Witch:
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
When the hurlyburly's done,Third Witch:
When the battle's lost and won.
That will be ere the set of sun.First Witch:
Fuck you, Joe!Third Witch:
You promised you'd pick me!First Witch:
So you wanna do this right now?Third Witch:
You told me a hundred times. "Joe," you said, "you are my chosen people!"First Witch:
I explained that to you. I needed the Base. They needed a chew-toy with tits. I thought you people understood simple fucking arithmetic.Third Witch:
You take that back!First Witch:
Jesus Christ...Third Witch:
Sure, throw that in my face.Second Witch:
Stopit!Stopit!Stopit! (bursts into tears)Third Witch:
Now see what you did.First Witch:
Me?Third Witch:
I'm never gonna be Secretary of anything.First Witch:
What do you have to bitch about? I'm the one who's gonna be the Republican Max Schmeling until the end of time.
Macbeth; Act I, Scene I
Heh heh... That was pretty funny drift.
Dude. :-)
Max didn't like fascists, and he was cool with black people.
I notice Charlie Crist isn't part of this coven. How do you like that Charlie -- expanding early voting hours down in FL? Charlie's no dummy. He simultaneously sticks the shiv to McBush and announces to President BHO, "I'm here to play."
Rats. Sinking ship. Bwahahahaha!
Buttered or kettle corn?
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