Thursday, October 16, 2008

After Two Years...

A billion dollars...

A million ads...

An ocean of ink...

100,000 websites...

800 debates...

And two candidates who diametrically opposed each other on almost every issue...

...we still have Three!More!Exciting!Weeks! of teevee people pretending to be fascinated by what the brain wizards of Undecided Island think.


Imaginista said...

No shit, huh? Who are these idiot jamokes?

Anonymous said...

God, I hope its over!!!

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh the other night after the debate - Chris Matthews of all people said, to paraphrase (but this is real close): "Undecided votors? Who the hell ARE these people? I think they are saying they are undecided just so they can get on shows like this! Make up your freaking minds!"

Anonymous said...

Fear the Undecideds! The Low Information Voters! The deeply thoughtful "I Just Don't Know Him" people! The "I'm Not A Racist, but Obama's Clearly A (fill in the blank: Muslim; Terrorist, Socialist; Other)"! The "If Only Obama Could Be A Good Negro Like That Sensible Thomas Sowell" folks. There are so many ways to lose.

Guiseppe Adorno said...

Excuse me, drift, but sweep away the rhetorical jabs, contrived for consumption by the teevee-addled only, and just what evidence remains for the statement that McCain and Obama are "diametrically opposed" on any issue, let alone on all issues? The fact that they both seek the office in order to serve the interests of the same highly capitalized power brokers is the very reason that neither one of them is willing to risk the exposure of a legitimate debate on the issues with Ralph Nader.

dguzman said...

Last night while phoning for Obama at the local dem HQ, I overheard someone having to tell the phoned person that Obama is a christian, as is his entire family. Once that was done (and of course once the caller declared her christianity as well), the phoned person agreed that Obama was "probably" the best choice.

No child left behind indeed.