Friday, September 19, 2008

Tom Waits is busy

advising Congress on structuring the biggest bailout in the history of the Universe.

He hopes sending along the Fairfield Four

will take a little of the sting out of being forced to clean up after yet another Epic Conservative Failure.


Habitat Vic said...

This Wall Street bailout is just so - I don't know what. I feel as though I'm in the Twilight Zone sometimes.

About a trillion dollars, maybe twice that, to keep "too big to fail" financial companies afloat. Meanwhile, spending $25B on retooling American auto makers (and resultant manufacturing jobs - direct and indirect)? Or maybe, wind/solar power & energy conservation? Healthcare & jobs? Nah, fuck that. Priorities, Drifty, priorities.

The sellout nature of both parties (Repubs = 97%, Dems = 75%) isn't a real surprise. The electorate, well, that's another story.

I do believe the polls are being skewed as much as possible (4, 5, 8 pts) toward McCain. Nonetheless, it just floors me how many lower & middle class voters are just happy as pigs in shit over Palin/McCain. John Dean posited that in any society there are 25% of adults that will just blindly follow authority figures. In the US I'd add another 15% of people that just don't know/care/realize/think/whatever.

Hell, even Hoover in the midst of the Great Depression still got 40% of the vote in 1932. Stupid voters are part of the US's DNA.

Anonymous said...

please go to and vote on the question "do you think sarah palin is qualified to be the vice president of the united states":

Anonymous said...

Well. Thank you for the Fairfield Four. I do feel a whole lot better.