Sunday, September 28, 2008

GOP Economic Legacy In Seven Words:

Stock market down.

Laughingstock market waaaaay up.


Fran / Blue Gal said...

Nobody gives Palin credit for giving SNL writers the night off.

Anonymous said...

That video's been removed from Youtube. What was it?

driftglass said...

Order has been restored :-)

Anonymous said...

Let's just hope this continues to be a complete motherfucking hilarious joke after November 4.

Anonymous said...

I nearly pissed myself when it went into transcript mode. I couldn't help wondering if folks that hadn't seen the real bit were thinking that the SNL writers had gone off their collective nut.

Myrtle June said...

Can't Tina Fey just do the debate instead? Pwweease. It would be ever so much more funner. :-D

You know, she can come off "winning" this debate with biden fairly easily. He can't do that busting out in laughter thing Obama did with Mccain's idiocy. That would be seen as sexist in this case. In fact, if he does more than stand there and agree with her, it will be seen as sexist and even that would be seen as sexist for pandering. She only has to deliver words with conviction.... they don't have to make sense at all, just as long as it's with conviction.

This will be stunt number.... errr... I've lost my tote board... Anyone got that number?

Let us pray.... and I MEAN that. :-|

Anonymous said...

I wuz thinkin teh 7 worts were:

Fuck you, you fucking fucks . . . ya fucks.

Course, I been wrong, before, and HP Lovecraft sang it bettah:

Loved that band . . . long ago then. *G*

Anonymous said...

But, WAIT, K-Tel / Ronco. There is more ...

The CBS video of Katie Couric talking to Caribou Barbie (i.e., Deer in the Headlights, Moose-Killer Palin) was only an hors d'oeurve!!
CBS Has More Palin Pratfalls?
By David Knowles
Sep 29th 2008 11:42AM

Via Howard Kurtz, it seems that CBS may be saving the worst for last. The network reportedly has at least two more bits from Katie Couric's interview with Sarah Palin:

And the worst may be yet to come for Palin; sources say CBS has two more responses on tape that will likely prove embarrassing.

Hmm. Worse than what we've already seen? Worse than her odd ramble about the proximity of Russia to Alaska? Worse than her dissembling about the economic bailout? Well, inquiring minds want to know, and see. C'mon CBS, let's have what you've got!

TPM has now verified from CBS

that they do have more footage from Palin. Part of a VP debate preview, Palin and Biden have been taped answering identical questions. The responses will air on Wednesday and Thursday.

Hope she don't gotta go out-country, Pilgrim, and shoot herself a moose from a helo to hike up her pants and show whatta babe she is ...