Voting Republican is obviously hurting a lot of people.
Keep pushing the button.
It's killing the man in the booth.
Keep pushing the button.
Voting against my own interests is starting to make me feel bad.
Keep pushing the button.
I want to stop.
Keep pushing the button.
I can't be responsible for this.
Keep pushing the button.
But how can I vote for
Keep pushing the button.
Vote for
Keep pushing the button.
Vote for
Keep pushing the button.
Keep pushing the button.
Vote for
Keep pushing the button.
Vote for
Keep pushing the button.
Vote for
Keep pushing the button.
Stop it! You're making my tiny, tiny brain hurt!
Keep pushing the button.
I...I...I can't be responsible for this.
Did I mention he's a Muslim?
Say what?
Sure. Muslim.
A dirty, secret, American-hating Muslim?
Why not.
A dirty, secret American-hating Muslim.
Why not.
A dirty, secret American-hating Muslim.
Well why the fuck --
-- didn't you say so!
Regarding the lady in the video who thinks Obama is a Muslim:
Stupid. F*cking. C*nt.
And worse that the MSM gives anybody like that any airtime.
The MSM: Entertaining us to death.
Well, since the bottom-feeders are freaked out by Muslims-among-us, they better hold on to their flag lapel-pins:
The bush administration is welcoming 12,000 of them by the end of September. These are, supposedly, GOOD brownskinned immigrants...interpreters for Operation Endless Shitmire, and the like. Iraqis who helped with the occupation in some way, but for whom bushCo's "we're winning" doesn't cut much ice, since they don't want to be converted into Alpo by their countrymen.
I don't think we will be hearing any rants from Lou Dobbs about them. Nor, about the 7,000 following close on their heels, by the end of the year. In fact, as far as the MSM is concerned, THIS wave of immigrants is coming in with about the fanfare of a Stealth bomber returning to base.
Do any of Drift's other readers think it will be the last one?
I didn't think so. :o)
Gad. So that’s what a Hillary Republican looks like.
That "female" was not a hillary supporter. I just think this proves all the nobama and puma people are Republicans in some rover operation. Its bs that they're dems. nope. no how. no way.
Truly an abomination.
"I don't deal in hypotheticals. I think that's stupid."
What an idiot. Failure to consider hypothetical questions reveals a lack of abstract thought.
Yeah, she's obviously an idiot. And Myrtle June is probably correct about the Rover Repug connection.
us blues: lose the C*nt word, please. I've heard enough misogynistic trash lately, or perhaps you're channeling McTurd?
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