From the Baltimore Sun:
Kennedy to appear, may speak at convention
Mass. senator, who endorsed Obama, was diagnosed with a brain tumor earlier this year
By David Nitkin
August 25, 2008
DENVER - The lights will dim inside the Pepsi Center tonight, a shock of silver hair will appear on giant monitors, and connections will be made once again between Camelot and the Obama nation.
A film tribute to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, a 46-year-veteran of the Senate diagnosed with a brain tumor this year, will dominate the opening hours of the Democratic National Convention. Today, Kennedy prepared to attend -- and possibly speak -- at the opening day of the convention.
Kennedy arrived in Denver Sunday night and got a checkup at a local hospital. He plans to attend to watch a video tribute to him and may even address the convention if he feels up to it, said a senior Democratic official who talked on the condition of anonymity.
"He's truly humbled by the outpouring of support and wouldn't miss it for anything in the world," said Stephanie Cutter, a Kennedy spokeswoman.
I would pay real money to see Ted Kennedy take the stage, turn to PUMA corner and say, in a dignified, clear voice, "You fucknozzles need to fucking get the fuck over it right fucking now."
And then leave with great dignity to a 48 minute standing ovation.
Unity Achieved.
Not. Laughing. Not a bit.
That's exactly what he needs to say to that six percent of Hillary supporters there.
But he didn't give up in 80 and actually fought for an "open" convention where pledged delegates could vote for anyone they liked. There was a back room deal with John Anderson too.
Well, times do change and political memories are short. I love Senator Ted and can't wait for the speech tonight.
Jimmy Carter is speaking too, heh. Should be a fascinating evening...
I'm still pretty skeptical that there are anywhere near as many of these supposed PUMAs as some claim. I think all this puffing up of the PUMA issue is just typical sick-fuck right-wing ratfuckery, aided and abetted by the despicable mainstream media. BTW, was it just me, or was Pelosi's convention speech just now utterly fucking tepid and boring?
Hey, Physioprof. I'm convinced most of the PUMAs (Propping Up Mcsaim's Ass) are the Limbaugh "Operation Chaos" people myself.
I've heard that 27% of "Hillary supporters" would vote for McSaim over Obama. I'd like to see that cross-referenced with another question -- "Did you vote Republican in 2004 or 2000?"
I'll bet if you throw out the Republicans, there really isn't much of a problem here.
Kennedy is on...right now!
That's what I was hoping too, but it looks like it wasn't on his agenda. Can't blame him for focusing on health care, I guess.
Hopefully somebody else will shame them into growing up.
- mac
It was dignified. It was poignant. It was . . . what a time it was. She was poised and terribly beautiful and eloquent in her praise of uncle and father and candidate. He was, if only for a time, the Irish carnivore, ripping into the inertia of the opposition and praising the possible in those ways
of his, and of his brothers.
For the last time, probably.
and yet a pledge to be there
on the Floor in January
2009 to see real
Morning in
lostnacfgop,,,well said.
I'm imagining "fucknozzles" in that upper crust Boston accent. And I like it.
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