Sunday, May 04, 2008

Sunday Morning Comin’ Down

Down among the ads for laxatives, copiers, Viagra, hair dye, sleeping pills, banking, and anti-Jimmy Leg drugs (Ask your Doctor!) we had a little Mouse Circus today.

First came our Local Fox Nonsense, wherein our local Fox stooge opined that…
“It was a good idea for Hillary to go on the Bill O’Reilly Show.”

“They have one thing in common: they’re both polarizing figures.”

“The DNC has avoided Fox. Democrats wouldn’t debate on Fox. But the road to the White House leads through all media outlets. If you want to run an inclusive campaign, you have to go on Fox.”

No. You. Don’t.

If you believe you can appeal to racists and pinheads on the off-chance that seven of the 20 million people who hate you on a molecular level might be so swayed by your excellent poesy so completely that they rethink their political dogma between the laxative and Jimmy Leg commercials and jump out of the wingnut clown car…then you go on Fox.

But that comes with a helluva price tag, because Fox is a whorehouse.


Here are little flavor crystals from this week’s Exciting Episode!

Here’s an ad where some guy in some state is being slammed for not denouncing Reverend Wright, who he has never met. Doesn’t that mean Obama is radioactive, what with his Crazy Pastor and all?

Wallace: We’ll give you plenty of time to bash McCain….

Wallace: The Left Wing of your Party….

Wallace: The said blah-dee-blah…

Wallace: The Daily Kos is calling you yadda-yadda…

And so forth.

What is fascinating about Fox is, no matter how long a shadow they cast, Rupert’s empire is shot through with a deep-rooted and impossible-to-paper-over inferiority complex that crawls along right under their skin and erupts at the slightest provocation.

So if you work at Fox and are, say, a Steve Doocy-like simpleton, you are probably too stupid to notice that you work in a whorehouse. But if you are not a Steve Doocy-like simpleton, then you cannot fail to notice that you work in a sewer and your co-workers are CHUDS.

And you tend be a bit touchy when someone points out that your $10,000 suits positively reek of CHUD and sewage.

But what takes the stink off of you better than a water-canon full of Old Spice?

Having the people you make a living slandering and sliming come on your show to “engage” you.

On Fox, you could hear the oily gloat gurgling in Chris Wallace’s throat as Howard Dean smacked him around. The smacking around couldn’t have hurt much: after all this time Wallace is numb to it. Now he’s like some cop’s kid who make Very Big Money pimping: it is not enough to get rich doing something loathsome; he now also demands the respect of his father’s peers because, well, he peddles flesh really, really well!

And every time a Dean or Obama or Clinton sets foot on Fox property they serve only to legitimize Fox as a genuine network, and its army of Neocon marionettes as real journalists.

Which, in turn, is what allows a sociopath like Bill Kristol to parlay his gig as grinning, blood-soaked propagandist for a neofascist junta into fame, money and credibility on the Op Ed page of the New York Times.

On “Meet the Press” and ”The Chris Matthews Show”

After 168 hours of Reverend Wright, I stopped watching.


And a thousand years later,

tourists were still visiting the site.

“You mean their high priests dragged their best and brightest to the top of the pyramid and cut their living hearts out?”



“One theory is, they worshiped ridiculous and terrifying Gods which they came to believe they had to appeased to make the crops grow and the rain fall.

But no one knows for sure”

On “This Week” , the Hillary Clinton Town Hall Show (with guest emcee D.J. Lil’ George).

And after hearing this...
Clinton: For the last seven years we’ve seen Washington D.C. policies coming from powerful people and elites…

And this…
Clinton: I’m not going to put my lot in with “economists”.

And this…
Clinton: We gotta get out of this mindset that the “elite opinion” that only sides with big munnies.

A new drinking game emerges: The “Take a shot every time Hillary Clinton says ‘elite’” Game.

But be careful.

First, the Junior Senator from New York has belly-flopped so brazenly into the deep end of the anti-intellectual pool, you’re gonna very quickly find yourself casters-up-drunk before church.


Second, if she really, really believes that people who actually go to "school" and study "things" closely and then get "jobs" in their "field of study" are exactly the sort of people who cannot be trusted, then say hello to the 2009

Clinton Cabinet.

Later, Hillary spotted one 'a them pointy-headed, smarty-pants elite “scientists”, shook off her Jimmy Leg,

and ran him down like a dog.


Anonymous said...

But where is the Falcon?

Porlock Junior said...

Every time you think she can't really get worse...

Becuse There Are Times When Only a Cliche Will Do.

Malacandra said...

The Clintons in 1992: "It's the economy, stupid."
The Clintons in 2008: "Economists are stupid."

Habitat Vic said...

Where is the Falcon?

Right here on eBay:

That video also reminds me that Lynda Carter was no Meryl Streep, though I give her credit for the metallic brassiere ten years before Madonna.

Please God, put an end to HRC's race-to-the-bottom campaign. I literally can't watch more than 5-10 minutes at a time of the Sunday news shows. Just think what the Fall will bring, with panicked Republicans pulling out all the stops.

Anonymous said...

I think help, and finally, some resolution, are both on the way.

Yesterday, the Charlotte Observer, the largest newspaper in North Carolina, endorsed Obama.

If he ONLY wins N.C., there will be a nearly-even split in the delegate yield tomorrow, and he'll still have a 130-plus delegate lead, with time running out on her.

It's also running out on Al Gore and John Edwards, and the rest of the fucking "neutrals", for their chance to help ensure a democratic win in November. If Obama takes the nomination without the endorsements of the party honchos who damn well KNOW Hillary's track record, and the kind of campaign that she's run, I could enjoy Obama giving the party punjabs the collective finger, and relegating them to the status of near-spectators.

Considering their squid-like spinal columns for the past 7 years, it's not a bad Idea, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Every little bit helps:

Tom Hanks just came out for Obama.

Of course the paleos will piss and moan about "Hollywood libruls", but Hanks is a popular, and down-to-earth kind of guy.

I'm feelin' better by the minute.


Imaginista said...

The Clintons in 1992: "It's the economy, stupid."
The Clintons in 2008: "Economists are stupid."

Malacandra, you rock.

Mister Roboto said...

I know this sounds terribly cynical, but it might actually help Obama to have an African-American "radical" such as Jeremiah Wright to position himself to the right of. Yeah, very "Sistah Soljah" moment-y, for sure.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Drifty. Any appearance by Lynda Carter is a treat to be savored, no matter the justification for the appearance. God bless ya.

Anonymous said...

yeah, you can't trust those "elites" like doctors