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To date, this is how the very few interactions I've had with Never Trumpers have gone, because I want to talk about the Befor...
Among us elitist, Liberal swingin' dicks who live lives of unspeakable privilege and luxury out here in the Middle of Amer...
I'm not underestimating the stupidity of some of the American People.
But I can't help but notice that, except for the press, no one is excited about McCain.
Not even his own party.
As the race grinds on... I think that will be significant.
Don't bet the farm. Do we finally outnumber them?
How in the wide wide world of sports did we go from a slam dunk to a quagmire? Even factoring in the stupidity, you can't ignore 2000, 2004.
Wear a werebear helmet.
For some reason, I see that clip and think of a comparable scene in "Chasing Amy".
But, then again, I admit to being twisted.
Unfortunately, I can't find it on the YouTubes or I'd provide a link... so you'll have to watch the whole movie to catch it,
At least we can finally concentrate on the rethugs.
Thanks for the reference, Malacandra!
I loved that scene too - and it certainly springs to mind here.
I think McCain's fake heroism will be touted constantly during the coming campaign and he will be ignored on substance by the media and most of the populace who would not vote Democratic if their houses were on fire and the only water came from Democratic hoses.
Welcome to Pottersville
For some reason, I see that clip and think of a comparable scene in "Chasing Amy".
less like thudding belowdecks than a turd floating in the swimming pool, but setting that aside - i think "begun, the clone wars have" is a better analogy.
How totally fucking on the mark. The game hasn't even begun yet.
"less thudding below decks than a turd floating in the swimming pool"
I believe, is a reference to this movie.
With the happy ending.
Well, at this point, I am a happy dog. Very optimistic. :o)
We're about that far away (finger and thumb a half-inch apart) from making John McCain the sacrificial goat that the republicans were practically certain he WOULD be, barring a suicidal impulse on the part of the democrats to give Clinton the nomination.
Barack Obama is going to WELD George Bush to John McCain's ass like he was putting a trailer hitch on a pickup truck. :o)
And given her track record, that is something that Senator Clinton has neither the capability nor the desire, to do.
And, I'm all in favor of intra-party fencemending, but if that means that Obama is supposed to take care of the bartab for Hillary's dragging the party to the right by courting the Nathan Bedford Forrest vote so diligently; as a bribe to get her out, then I say: let her run.
At this point she's doing more damage to herself than she is to Obama and the party, and if she wants to continue to try to empower OUR bottom-feeders, then, my 2c, I wouldn't give her shit if she was a tumblebug.
Clearly, she and her supporters are hoping for (and MAY be willing to manfacture) yet one more piece of Rovian "gotcha!", to try to save her triangulating butt.
Obama and the party owe her NOTHING. As Lower Manhattanite asked, is Obama supposed to take the funds that we sent him, and use them to pay off Mark Penn's salary?
If there is "reaching out" to be done, let it come after she has withdrawn, and it should begin with HER. The way things are going, any Clintonistas that sit out the general, or go for McCain, may well be offset by the independents and young voters that Obama is doing such a good job of pulling to himself.
I mean this: she has piss-little claim to any right of power-brokering now. If she keeps on with her racist bullshit about "he can't win white voters!" Obama should just laugh, pat her on the head, and start going after McCain.
That will be enough.
Thanks, TB,
I feel all better now that someone else has said it out loud (here at least).
I'm sick and tired of Hillary's people saying that they are taking their toys and going home to take revenge against Bambi.
And I'm getting quite concerned because we need to stick together and gather strength for the coming Rovian Armageddon attacks.
Welcome to Pottersville
Suzan, thanks. I'm done with her. Completely.
I have a daughter and three granddaughters. I doubt you can name a women's issue I don't support, and I voted for Bill twice and was delighted when Hillary won the Senate seat in New York.
And I've been increasingly appalled at her, for the past 6 years.
Today, if she was on fire in my driveway, I'd be hard-pressed to walk out and pee on her.
It's a bitter feeling, but it's real. And, I think, justified.
Suzan, thanks. I'm done with her. Completely.
I have a daughter and three granddaughters. I doubt you can name a women's issue I don't support, and I voted for Bill twice and was delighted when Hillary won the Senate seat in New York.
And I've been increasingly appalled at her, for the past 6 years.
Today, if she was on fire in my driveway, I'd be hard-pressed to walk out and pee on her.
It's a bitter feeling, but it's real. And, I think, justified.
Sorry for the double.
Haloscan works for me, but sometimes, it's a liiittle glitchy. :o)
You are soooooo funny.
And soooooooo right.
I wonder how many other (thousands?) of us there are.
I'm worn out with their arrogance (however well deserved it may have once been).
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