Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Edwards Endorses Obama

From the NYT.

Edwards Endorses Obama

By Jim Rutenberg and Julie Bosman

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — John Edwards, the former senator from North Carolina who bowed out of the presidential race in January, endorsed Senator Barack Obama at a rally here tonight.

“The reason I am here tonight is because the Democratic voters of America have made their choice and so have I,” Mr Edwards said.

Officials announced the news of Mr. Edwards’s endorsement shortly after Mr. Obama landed here late this afternoon. The campaign timed it to coincide with the start of the major evening newscasts, which would have otherwise focused on Senator Hillary Clinton’s landslide victory in West Virginia, which raised new questions about Mr. Obama’s strength with white working class voters.

Mr. Obama’s campaign is hoping the endorsement will be a big step toward the party’s coalescing around Mr. Obama as the Democratic nominee.

Mr. Edwards began by paying tribute to Mrs. Clinton. “It is very, very hard to get up every day and do what she’s done,” Mr. Edwards Mrs. Clinton. “It is hard to go out there and fight and speak up when the odds turn against you. What she has shown is strength and character.”

The endorsement ended months of speculation over Mr. Edwards’s preference in the Democratic nominating contest, during which he mostly stayed silent and close to home in Chapel Hill with his wife, Elizabeth.

In other words...


Anonymous said...

Goood clip to comment with, Driftman; and it DID just get real. :o)

Anonymous said...

Real is as real does.

We gonna have a WHOLO lotta doesing goin on.


I smell big changes in our lives.


The list is endless, and posted by many, all over.

30 years of housecleaning to get our Constitution back, our government back, and re-earn the respect of We The People and the rest of the planet.

All that was gutted, wasted, shat on, and cast aside for 30 years, will be ours again.

Dawg bless.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

What a great fucking clip! I hadn't seen whatever that movie was, so it came as a complete surprise, and cracked me the fuck up!

Anonymous said...

Hey drifty, what do you think a vice presidential jet ski would look like?

liberal redneck said...

Just found you today by Serendipity, THANK YOU!!! Keep it up!

Phil said...

He might not be very big but I don't trust any politician any farther than I can pick 'em up and throw 'em.
That being said, he was my first choice and I hope to HELL he gets a shot at a position where he can fire up the Rotor Rooter and start cleaning the sewers of DC.
The fucking bastards that are choking off the egress of excrement out of that place are stinking up the joint.

Myrtle June said...

I just lurrrrrrves that photo!!!! And I love seeing it again. Just watched the vid of the endorsement. Man, I needed that today!

We need more of these overwhelming displays of HOPE!!! Gonna take alot of that to dislodge the cynicism for cynicism's sake out there.

There's just something about the energy of those two together. When they announce the VP ..... officially..... maybe if they do.... can we have another round of that I Spy photo? I liked that one toooooo ;-)

Brilliant timing! Got to hand that to 'um.

Yep, getting REAL. Thanks Sir Drifty!!!!

Unknown said...

Good catch, Myrtle June!

There's definitely some instant karma going on whenever they are together. It's almost like, oh, the two brightest lights in the room spark off of each other (and the resulting lightning bolt illuminates everything!).


Welcome to Pottersville

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, Boo-boo.
I just hope Edwards reconsiders what he said about not wanting to be part of the next administration. There are any number of positions that he'd be great in, AG for starters. Wouldn't that put a chill in a few trousers in DC?
That's also another 19 delegates for the big O, isn't it? Maybe it only counts that way if Hil takes it all the way to the convention.
Whatever. Good to see JE out and about and behind Obama

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see Waxman as the AG.

We NEED Edwards in the VEEP.

To win, and to hammer home in the NEWLY ACTIVE VP spot all the things the Prez is too busy to tend to.

The Veep is the hammer, before election, AND after.

Global warming.
Infrastructure re-development.

The Prez has to focus on domestic rights, and foreign affairs. While ensuring the AG is cleaning out the buried moles of Liberty and Regent in all the State Departments.

And contractual accountability for our military has to be a HUGE priority for SOME member of the inside circle.

So much to do, so many things to fix.
Boggles the mind at times when ya start to tally it all up . . .

Sigh. But hope abounds.

Thanks again, Drifty, yer on it like Sugar Hill Gang on Apache. *G*

Anonymous said...

the next AG will be very busy:

(1) war crimes, including war of aggression, murder, torture, kidnapping

(2) war profiteers

(3) illegal wiretapping