Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Party on the Edge

of Forever Part II: "It's my Party and I'll Shanghai if I want to" Edition.

The people that come by here to comment are amazing.

Articulate, passionate, occasionally potty-mouthed and almost always willing to rassle hard but on the fair and square. And as much as my peculiar circumstances (Never deck your Green Party parole officer with a "Ron Paul" yard sign. Not sayin' it happened. Just sayin' "Don't".) prevent me from wading in nearly as often as I'd like, I get such a bracing shot of uplift from the comment section every day you have no idea.

In fact the one below decks here (one flight down) is cooking along so well, it seemed a shame not to top-deck it and share it with the carriage trade.

So here you go.

And thanks.

Jody said...

This didn't seem to take the first time I typed it. So here it goes again:

The two dem frontrunners are not as different as you think.

Yes, Hillary is Hillary, with all that entails, but Obama is black.

2:57 AM

res ipsa loquitur said...

Two thoughts:

I remember gritting my teeth when reading the Fish thing the other day because he just had to go for the "balance" BS. I don't know why an otherwise thoughtful guy feels that he needs to play that game. It makes me think that the editorial board at the NYT is mucking about under the hood of the car (something we know never happens, right?).

Hillary Clinton galvanizes the Right with a revivifying enmity the likes of which few Americans (with the exception of, say, Ted Kennedy...

Which begs the question why BO thought it was a good idea to send Teddy (or any of the Kennedys) out there to stump for him. Yes, I get that the BO campaign likes the comparison to JFK at a thematic level, but the truth is that half of America hates Teddy & Co. and the other half can fairly be described as ambivalent, owing to Teddy's only relatively recent vault into the legion of emotionally mature adults. Now if JFK Jr. had lived, he would have been the Kennedy to send out to the heartland on behalf of BO. That guy had all of the Kennedy glamour without any of the baggage.

It doesn't look like Teddy hurt BO, but when I saw Teddy out there in CA I wondered about it. I guess BO weighed the equities and decided they were in favor of putting Kennedy boots on the ground.

6:26 AM

PhysioProf said...

Eloquent piece, Drifty!

Nevertheless, I think you underestimate the extent to which the wackwackwackaloon syphilitic core of the hate-besotted right can transfer their hate smoothly and efficiently onto whomever their autoritarian masters serve up as the next Dirty Fucking Hippy Enemy.

I think about it this way. These people are addicted to hate like an inveterate sell-your-own-child-into-slavery-for-a-bump addict is addicted to cocaine. 1992 is a week ago, and Bill and Hillary Clinton are an eight-ball.

Suppose that eight-ball runs out today, and all it can be replaced with is a bag of crystal meth. Within just a few days, our addict is going to be a happily raging tweaking teeth-rotting-down-to-the-fucking-pulp screaming-in-the-streets-at-total-strangers apotheosis of a crystal meth head.

Cocaine, what's that? I luuuurve me some crystal meth!!!!!!!!

7:03 AM

US Blues said...

Spot on, DG. But I wonder if the generally uninvolved masses can take any of this into account, while the 27% slaver like mad dogs, ready to hate anybody who does not have an (R) after their name.

7:44 AM

Anonymous said...

All you say is true, but it's not a valid reason for avoiding nominating Ms. Clinton. If Dems avoid the people they think are best because it will cause Rethugs to rise up, we may as well hand the world over to the frothing at the mouth idiots. I have issues with Ms. Clinton's policies and though I would love to support a woman or an African American for president, I found myself hoping for a white male -- John Edwards -- because his ideals and ideas were more in line with mine. I'm now supporting Obama. I will support Hillary if nominated. I pray to God this nation is smart enough and that Diebold is inept enough that we can actually elect a Democrat to try and clean up the mess 8 years of Republican rule has wrought. I'm glad I'm old and probably won't be around long eonough to see what happens in the long run. But I know the past 8 years are not going to disappear easily and if we elect another Republican -- any Republican -- God help us.

8:18 AM

gtomkins said...

When you see a rock rolling downhill...

Give it a little kick to help it get to the bottom faster.

It looks like the half-way sensible folks still left in the Republican Party have managed to get their one candidate with any sort of appeal to swing voters, McCain, the nomination. It's not a done deal, and yes, most of the appeal is fraudulent (the people who vote for him in primaries think he's their peace candidate!) in ways that can be exposed. But what the exposure of his real extremism can't do fully would be completed by Hillary Derangement Syndrome if she is our nominee. Their foamers and their HDS will undo all that appeal to swing voters that their realists achieved by getting McCain the nomination.

No, this is not an argument that Hillary should be our nominee. As jody points out, Barack is black. They'll foam over at that, too, and not in subtle ways useful as a dog whistle. Either candidate of ours, any candidate of theirs, and their foamers win us the election.

8:57 AM

Walt said...

I'll confess, for the benefit of the Court (which is duly instructed to take judicial notice of it at trial), that I voted for McCain.

Not because I like the jowly bastard (in my blog I repeatedly call him The Political Bisexual), but because he was less disgusting than the others. Sort the "hold-your-nose" candidate.

And do I think he stands a chance in Hell of getting his worthless ass elected? No. I plan on voting for whoever the Democrats nominate.

9:01 AM

The Minstrel Boy said...

another wise axiom from the often misunderstood and misquoted sun tsu is when he warns that a prudent commander will always leave the enemy a route of safe egress, because,

men fight the hardest for an indefensible position.

by choosing the route they escape you are choosing the ground for the next confrontation.

9:58 AM

Stephen A said...

Two quotes from SF and the military:

"Why not? Only one Human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else!" -Delenn,B5

"I'd rather have a fighting division than an untried army"
-Douglas MacArthur

Regardless of the Democratic candidate, the right will get uglier than they have ever gotten before in November. We've got a choice between a relative newcomer, or somebody who has been in daily mortal combat with the wingnuts for the past several decades. Remember the fundamental reason the wingnuts hate the Clintons is that they win.

I'm sick to death of the "Oh, noes!! This is a gunfight? I just brought a penknife! And that got confiscated by the TSA!" candidates.

Say what you like about Bill and Hillary but they not only expect an ugly fight to the finish but relish it. They expect to be hated attacked and slandered by the Republicans, Media and a good portion They have collected the most vicious SOBs and Mofos on our side and are ready to fight.

For once I want to hear: "Oh, noes!! This is a gunfight? I just brought a Nuclear Submarine with a full complement of MIRVed Trident missiles with Enhanced Yield 20 Megaton Cobalt Warheads!"

10:22 AM

Pablo said...

yes, indeedy I love that last graf,stephen a

Joe Max said...

Like anonymous said...

Are we supposed to refuse to nominate a candidate just because the Wingnut Army will be driven to ever greater heights of spittle-flecked outrageousness? I'm as pragmatic as the next Liberal - many of my more Liberal friends think I'm TOO pragmatic, especially when the name of Ralph Nader comes up. But the side-effect of the Dems abandoning Clinton in the face of the wingnut backlash is to imbue them with more power. They will KNOW (whether it's true or not) that the only reason Clinton got abandoned by the Dems is out of fear of their power. "Excellent", they will say, rubbing their bony fingers together like Monty Burns, "the Dems fear us and our Billary hating machine. As well they should!" As every school kid knows, if you flee out of fear of the bully, before the bully even takes a swing at you, the bully has already won. You have given them an even greater victory. No, the only way to deal with a bully is to face the bully down with a large helping of Chimpy McJockstrap "bring it on, mo-fo!" And then beat the living crap out of the bully, even if it means taking some lumps in the process, in full view of the rest of the school. This is the only way to END the bully's reign of terror.

damaged goods said...

yep for whatever reason hillary clinton is who they have to vote against because they can't vote against jane fonda.

12:33 PM

Anonymous said...

"Tincture of Dirty Fucking Hippy"

Bottled in pure driftglass no doubt. ;)

As to why Hillary? As SG used to say "people forget to vote for the black man on election day". She's "minority" (even though there are more women than men), she's got WH experience (even if it's vicarious).
IMO 'thugs on the fence can overlook a vagina more easily than melanin. Those types consider her nearly a man anyway.

I'd even go so far as to say the Democrats want to try and rub in that the republicans have abused the system to the point of alienating party members who care more about the future than ideology

tanbark said...

What Drift said.

Hell, bandwidth costs money! :o)

4:31 PM

Woody (Tokin' Lib'rul/Rogue Scholar & O'erall Helluvafella!) said...

Polls over last weekend--i fergit which--had McStain/Anybody ahead of HRC by better than the moe, and tied with BHO... BEFORE he locked up the nomination, and even without the roar of the mighty Right-Wing Media Echo Chamber, which will come around as soon as HRC gets the nod.

the ability of the Dems to confound success is just about legendary, but this year just about takes the cake. In a climate wherein the sitting incumbent is the leat popular president in history, and has tarnished the reputation of his (nominal) party beyond apparent redemption, the Dems narrow the contest on their side to the two candidates in the whole field who could be relied upon to both unite the opposition and divide the base...
fuukin amazing

Michael Hart said...

Why, of all the candidates we had at our disposal,
did my Party pick the one who motivates the Right
as no one else can to swing with all of their remaining
fucktard fury for the fascist fences one last time.


Two words:

Uneducated electorate.

But the truth is, and has been stated in this very comment section,
the fucktards are brim full of self-loathing and hate, much more than
enough venom to fuel their irrationality against "the enemy" of
America, the librul/socialist/Satanic/porno/DFH/hoards of. . .
fellow countrymen.

Tho I had to clean the vomit off me, Mitts was right, today;
this is a culture war; the last two elections, so
polarized they were close enough to hack and steal, were costly
red victories in the culture war, and blue cannot afford to blow
another one. Picture it: McCain and Huckleberry, lobbing slimeball
after slimeball at Billary Bushinadress and _________, the excess
flowing like a shit river all over this land and waste-deep.
But the Skeksi can, and will, die.

Malacandra said...

I'm with drifty on this one. Yes, the right will demonize whoever we nominate. No, we shouldn't abandon a good candidate just because the righties hate them.

OTOH, we've got another good candidate who has that much less baggage and is pulling a rabbit out of his hat by getting young people energized and disenchanted folks voting again. That could - if it's not completely shallow - trigger a whole new generation of activism and leadership.

Frankly, all the people who talk about how battle-hardened the Clintons are leave me slack-jawed, because to my mind the Clintons got played like a violin by the right and set the tone for the whole freakin' Democratic Party's "let's be civil, meet 'em halfway, and ignore their knives and chains" mentality that was endemic until Howard Dean came along with a stiff shot of atropine to the heart of the party.

I don't remember a lot of Bill and Hill laying solid blows to the ribs of the right. I remember them acting like the Perfect Model of A Modern Moderate Democrat, and still being vilified as if they had been peeing on Ronald Reagan's White House portrait twice daily (and three times on Sunday). I remember "the end of big government as we know it", with welfare moms (and their kids) being kicked to the curb. Don't Ask, Don't Tell. DMCA. NAFTA. Media Consolidation. The Clintons did everything possible to be liked by the righties... and the more they tried, the more they were reviled.

Forgive me if I don't regard that as being tested in the flames and rising like a phoenix.

Nominating Hillary is a little bit like rolling around in raw hamburger before entering the dogfight pit.

Sure, the pit's a mean, nasty place at the best of times... but why go cruising for extra pain?

And, yeah, if she's our nominee, I'll work for Hillary and vote for her because she's light years superior to a GOP candidate. For the Supreme Court alone I'll fight like a wolverine for our nominee in the general election.

But in 2004 I wondered if we nominated the right person, even as I was working for him. If we nominate Hillary, I'll have the same reservations.

7:52 PM

tanbark said...

Quote of the week:

"If the democrats are stupid enough to nominate Hillary, the republicans will rally around a ham sandwich."

Only, they left out:

"Independents and a shitload of conservative democrats will do the same thing."

And that little factoid is not true of Obama. With the Sword of Bush, at $3 bil a week, hanging over their heads in Iraq, and with the economy bouncing around like a blowfly on a hot turd, Obama won't have any problem peeling a lot of those people away from the GOP.

Plenty enough for a democratic tsunami. :o)

I think we might get this bonus with him, too:

If we nominate Hillary, it will be
like mainlining Viagra to an 85 year old man. Collectively, the goopers will get a hard-on that a cat couldn't scratch. Which will mean that they will defend Bush and his bloody petro-posse 'til

With Obama, I think by mid-summer the polls will have the republicans in congress shitting their pants, and George Bush and Dick Cheyney will become a lot more valuable to the GOP as sacrificial pigs for a "Y'all come" barbecue for the voters, on the white house lawn, than they will as retiring republican "statesmen".

Dick Lugar has positively dropped off the face of the map, politically speaking. I mean we see and hear NOTHING of him. I think that's good news, in a way, because I think it means that he's the "Gerald Ford" in waiting.

Of course, if this scenario plays out, it will mean that Obama won't be able to campaign and point to goatboy sitting in the oval office and say to the voters:

"There he is, folks! The pride of the republican party." :o)

And don't forget, Gerald Ford came within a couple of bonehead gaffes,
especially, the pardon,
of keeping the white house for the goopers, nemmind that Nixon had just left in disgrace.

Hard to cackle too much about a forced resignation, with THAT history to think about.

7:53 PM

tanbark said...

Excellent points, Malacandra!

And let's not forget her support of Kyle-Lieberman, the new-and- improved shitmire #2 Koolaid.

Nor, the fact that, in the fall of 2006 when some of the dems were working hard to amend the pentagon apprpriations bill to include language banning the use of clusterbombs in civilian areas, she voted AGAINST the ban.

Senator Obama voted in favor of the ban.

If there were not these little lesion-chancres showing on Clinton's resume', and if she had risked one quark of her political ass for OUR side, then it might; MIGHT, I say, be worth risking her huge negatives with republicans and conservatives across the board, as well as a lot of independents, to nominate her.

But when she comes to us with chronic tennis elbow from giving glute-rubs to the warpimps, such as her enthusiastic applause for bush's slathering on the "surge accomplished" bullshit a few nights ago, while Obama had the common decency to sit as mute and stonefaced as the Sphinx, then, to pretend that she and Obama are "two fine candidates for us", as her supporters attempt to attach themselves to Obama like leeches, is utter, complete, bullshit.

8:08 PM

tanbark said...

BTW; we're democrats. "Unity" not required, until we pick a candidate.

The "unity!" shreik is a dog-whistle for "Lay off Clinton!".

8:11 PM


Fran / Blue Gal said...

The "unity!" shreik is a dog-whistle for "Lay off Clinton!"

Yeah I already cut and pasted that one into a wordpad doc for future stealing, Tanbark. Just sayin'.

And Sir Driftglass? Your commenters need to remember that rule about how the comments are not allowed to be the same high quality as the actual post. More "me too!" and "ditto" and "what Digby said"s are the general guideline. Fortunately your commenters forget. A lot.

Myrtle June said...

What Drifty and all the commenters said ;-)

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Digby, apparently a bunch of assholes have been calling her a stupid cunt and shit like that in her comments. She even turned off the comments for a few days, to try to get these fucknuggets to move on.

Jesus Fucking Christ, what a nightmare that must be for her. Fortunately for Driftglass, no one here would ever call him a stupid cunt, an ugly motherfucker, a shitstain on the g string of progress, or anything like that.

Anonymous said...

Physio, I was in on the Digby fracas. I didn't read every single post, but I sure didn't see anything that was all that bad. Nothing like anyone throwing the "C" word around.

(I freely admit; if there's a good, HONEST, Hilbash going on, with links and all, to how "progressive" she is, you can count me in. :o) )

I think if someone had gotten that far over the line, Digby would have instantly deleted them. And should have. But one hell of a lot of good progressives are fed up with the attempted coronation, and with the "superdelegates" that have frontloaded her campaign.

(See: MoveOn's poll, where it went 70-30 for Obama, as well as EVERY other progressive poll that I've seen taken on the 'net)

Early on, a lot of people who cordially despise the Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity troika, and it's ilk, were intimidated by being blasted as "misogynists" for putting up links showing her in bed with FauxNews, and AIPAC, and nailing her for her votes on things that begged for her to speak out for us, when instead she caved.

We got a little gunshy from hearing "you're using republican talking points" when we posted our dismay at some of the positions she'd taken, and how she had repeatedly truckled to the right.

No more. This is too important.

I dig Digby. Just like Jane, she's a been smart, tough, voice for our side. But I think she was shocked at the number of people who were coming out of the woodwork to take part in the debate on the candidates, and to point out that equating Obama and Clinton is nonsense.

I understand, when you've got a blog, it's nice when your readers are offering each other tea-and-crumpet posts, and all is sweetness and light. And then, when some of the "pups" start taking well-documented shits on the kitchen floor, with the attendant fireworks, it's consternatin'...

Too bad. :o)

Obama's not perfect. He's got a few glaring vote-warts, himself, but there is a clear and undeniable difference between he and Clinton on her support for the war, and anyone who tries to pretend there isn't, needs to get back on the turnip truck.

The progressive blogs are not so fragile that they can't survive a little Gillardian piss and vinegar.

I have yet to see anyone figuratively waving .357's at each other, followed by "Where do you live?".

Not on GNB; not on FDL; not on Digby; and damn sure not Chez Drift. All that's happened is that people are arguing about the candidates, with a minimum of personal shots being taken, considering the intensity of feelings pro and con, that Clinton, in particular, arouses in people.

Clinton is not an ogress, and just like Drift, if she's nominated, I will hit the satanic touchscreen for her, but I will do it in the sure knowledge that we've turned a potentially historic rout for our side, into a coinflip. And if there are blogs that will let me say why I feel that way, I will post there.

Unknown said...

Thank you for this!

You can all imagine my total shock when the comments were restored at Digby's. I absolutely understand a blogger being totally furious at really off the wall comments, extreme profanity, threats, etc. But by and large, I haven't seen that. Nor have I seen a lot of misogyny. (Yep, I'm a woman.)

We yell at each other at times but we almost always learn. Something. I believe that most D's will pull the lever for whichever D is on the ballot. Period. I don't believe most D's will sit it out for lack of interest.

I ALSO believe that, if Clinton is the nominee, most R's will pull the lever for whichever R is on the ballot as well.

Oh yes, - welcome to the culture war.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I don't think Obama will magically peel centrist R's into his camp. Centrist Rs don't exist anymore.

Malacandra misses the mark, I think, in positing that teh Clintons governed as Centrists as a sop to the Right. They actually ARE centrists, and governed as they believed. That they still became the 'far-left' targets of the right didn't come as a particular surprise to them, though, and I don't think they did what they did as a result of it, but they actually stuck to their Centrist beliefs in spite of it.

And THAT is what they survived, without changing their course. Which is, of course, a large part of why the slavering zombies hate them so; the hatred and constant attacks did not reduce them to sniveling go-alongers, like Reid and Pelosi.

One thing is correct is that Obama is attracting many young voters, and that's a good thing. One way we could keep those voters, if he is not the candidate, would be for him to actually, you know, PRACTICE his new politics by throwing his support behind Hillary if she's the nominee. A demonstration of that New Direction should be nearly as effective as an Obama candidacy.

I'll take the opportuinty for increasing turnout, especially among the young, far more quickly than the idea of peeling some mythological 'swing centrists' from the R camp. The Dems have already attracted any Republicans capable of changing.

Fran / Blue Gal said...

I was a little confused by the Digby fracas and how she handled it. I'm not a regular reader of her blog though I know she's a damn fine writer. I found out about this at Crooks.

Anyway, what surprised me most was that a smart and experienced blogger like Digby felt she had to repost the "c*nt" comments along with the username of the person sending them. Feeding the trolls on the front page? We all know better than that.

I hate to say she should have pulled an Atrios, but yeah. Two lines (does he ever write more?): "commenters are being fucks, I'm turning off comments for a day or two as a result". The little world of the Eschaton chat rooms would collapse and some basement dwellers would discover how drab and empty their lives really are. For a time.

No complaints, no explanations. Like the royal family.

Digby had to make it a consensus thing and got a lot of atta girls as a result. Maybe she needed that and her readers do love her, but I think she miscalculated and broke one of the basic rules of blogging: She let the assholes get her down.

Anonymous said...

Blue Gal, I think you nailed it. I LIKE Digby. She's a clear-headed, clear-hearted voice for our side.

But, we KNOW these people are out there. Just throw them out the back door, and keep going.

In fairness to Physio, when I put up my post about not having seen anything so bad there, I didn't know that she had opened up the comments again, and that a few people, most notably, one, had gone off the end like that, on the first new thread.

I WAS in on the first thread that got hot, when she shut it down, and I didn't see ANYTHING like the worst of the re-opening. For which I'm glad, of course.

So...onward and upward, or maybe sideways...:o)

Anonymous said...

I fear we are being set up for failure, again.

First the korporate media made sure that Edwards' message didn't get out.

Then the korporate media puffs up Obama and never misses a chance to hit Hillary.

If Obama gets the nomination the korporate media will turn on him, and he will soon find out that John McCain is no Alan Keyes.

And if somehow Obama gets elected then we're stuck with his "Hello Kitty" style of bipartisanship. Well fuck that, I want to reach across the aisle with a rusty chainsaw!

BUT I will be voting for the Democratic nominee this fall.

Anonymous said...

"...then we're stuck with his "hello kitty" style of bipartisanship."

This, from a man who defends CLINTON? :o)

Gayvet, that won't wash. Not a bit of it. She has been consciously selling out her natural constituency, the progressive wing of the party, for the better part of the last five years.

And we know it; which is why she gets the living shit kicked out of her on progressive polls.

It wasn't Obama applauding lustily for bush's "surge accomplished" bullshit; that was Hillary.

And it was Obama who had the courage and the decency to make HIS feelings known to anyone watching, by holding Za-Zen, while Clinton was ensuring that everyone knows that she thinks the surge, and bush, are worth applauding.

Obama will crush McCain and the republicans, in the general.

And, Clinton's a train-wreck waiting to happen, for our side.

My 2c, this is one of the easiest nomination choices I've seen in a lonnnng time. :o)

Anonymous said...

Wow. Made the front page. I feel so validated. :)

But back to Hillary/Obama/Digby. The amount of concern trolling going on in the names of these various people has got to stop. There's navel gazing, and then there's diagnostic laparoscopy. And yes, I had to look it up too.

I can happily vote for either of the frontrunners, as they are both far better than anything the GOP has offered and have proven that they will listen to their base at least some of the time. BOTH will rally a truly ugly aspect of the right, but for different reasons. Hill will rejuvenate the old anti-Clinton crowd and Obama will roust the centuries-old racist constituency from their hidey-holes. I will not be surprised if, should he win the nomination, he gets shot at by some Old Confederacy nutjob.

Digby's blog is her own, and how she handled it is how she handled it. She owes nothing to anyone, and if she could have handled it better poltically, so what. She's not a politician. She is clearly a very private person, and if some-ANY-of the comments upset her than it was her right to remove them while she gathered herself. If all she offered was her political observation without comments her contributions to the left would still be difficult to overstate.

And, full disclosure, I voted Obama and religiously read Hullabaloo.

Anonymous said...

Tanbark - you act like I'm a Hillary supporter. I'm not, nor am I an Obama supporter or opponent. But your anti-Hillary act sure is getting old.

Anonymous said...

The anti-Hillary act is getting WAY old.

I don't visit Kos very often, but looking in on them yesterday, it was like they may as well be Obama's official campaign site. And so far, every time I ask a Barrack groupie, "so what will Obama actually DO when elected? What are his policy proposals?" all I get, beyond "end the war" (which both he and Hillary are campaigning on), is "he has DREAMS, he'll be INSPIRATIONAL", and the kicker, "he'll REACH ACROSS THE ASILE!"

Yeah, a uniter not a divider. Where have I heard that before?

I don't want inspirational speechifying, I want CONCRETE PLANS. Obama's health care proposals are weak, and he attacks Clinton's far more developed plans - from the right!

As Gay Veteran said, there really ARE no "moderate Republicans" left that will rally to vote for Obama. They're the intelligent types like John Cole who have already stopped drinking the kool-aid some time ago.

And isn't it patently obvious that the fear of a Black president is going to rally the mouthbreathers just as effectively as the hatred of Hillary? As far as inflaming the "conservative base" goes, it's heads-I-win, tails-you-lose.

Talk is cheap. I don't vote for pretty speeches, I vote for solid policy proposals. Clinton has a solid liberal voting record, aside from the few votes she gets raked over for by the Kos-kids. Either of them will end the war. I want to know what they're going to do domestically, besides "reach across the aisle". Like a previous commenter said, I only want to reach across the aisle with a rusty chain saw.

Anonymous said...

now now..

a rusty chainsaw tends to kick back.

Fresh gas and a sharp, very sharp chain will be much more efficacious.


Anonymous said...

oop, dat anon wuz me