Thursday, February 28, 2008

On this Tom Waits Leap Day Friday

Chicago has seen more than 50 inches of snow hit it the ground since December.

The permafrost in the alleys is four inches thick, slate hard and slate gray, and has its own topography.

So around here a lot of us are asking the same thing:

"Make it rain."


Night's too quiet
Stretched out alone
I need the whip of thunder
And the winds dark moan

I'm close to Heaven
Crushed at the gate
They sharpen their knives
On my mistakes

Make it rain
Make it rain
Make it rain

Yeah baby.


Anonymous said...

permafrost in the alleys is four inches thick, slate hard and slate gray, and has its own topography.

dang dood it's 75F here, shucks, I gotta ole pare of crampons I cud sendz ya. :-))

My big sis in chi-town turns '10' tomorrow. Here's hoping it gets bright and sunny for a weekend. Yeahh, that ain't liklee happenin, but itz da thot dat count.

party on!

Anonymous said...

oop, i hit thee buttons predeterminately - wuz mee

Anonymous said...

As I was watching that video, a vignette of Tom Waits ordering coffee at Starbucks popped into my head.

Mauigirl said...

OMG, you're a Tom Waits fan too? I am hooked on your blog...