Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday Morning Comin’ Down

I will probably flee screaming in horror from miss most of the Mouse Circus today, but based on certain dodgy precognitive skills with which I am cursed, I understand that --

This Rudy Giuliani fella will be on “Face the Nation” to remind us that

  1. He and Judy are still very much in the race for the Duke and Duchess of Greater Miami, and,
  2. He still has the strength

of a dozen imps

On “This Week” I forsee Barack Obama bringing sexay courtesy back as he extends his thanks

to Hillary Clinton and her suff-rage-ettes surrogates.

On “Meet the Press” , St. John McCain will tout his

New York Times endorsement.

And on “The Chris Matthews Show”, Big Daddy Chris, Katty Kay, John Heilemann, Clarence Page and Elisabeth Bumiller

will tensely fake their way through a pleasant family meal for the befuddled comfort of their tiny, dementia-riddled audience.


Anonymous said...

Matthews is a smegmatic cockknuckle.

Fran / Blue Gal said...

"That's why women were put on this green earth."

No fair, Tom Servo! I can easily imagine Chris Matthews saying that.

Anonymous said...

per usual I've nothing insightful to add, but i LUVS the MST3000 linkage. literally tears of laffter, and what could be better for teh soul?

Physio Prof - The Smegmatic Cocknuckles WBAGNFARB


Anonymous said...

you really want me to get fired from my job, don't you?