Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Very Important 1,279th Post

In which I was going to mark the occasion with a rampaging/sexy/ blood-spattered tale of revenge and monetary policy and the sinister effect that an artificially cyclopean focus on any form of one-dimensional sustainability (believing that you must somehow choose either economic or environmental health at the expense of the other) has on any genuine, honest communitarian-based discussion of the long-term health and viability of community, country and species.


Instead, I though I'd let Alabama 3

Just because
I burned my bible baby
It don't mean,
I'm too sick to pray

and Chris Isaak

Baby did a bad bad thing,
Baby did a bad bad thing.

remind me why bigots and miscreants will never kill country.


Paradise Philippines said...

Im just blog hopping. Do you mind to have exchange link with you??

Fran / Blue Gal said...

That music is "country" like "paradise philippines" is a blogger. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

"Do you mind to have exchange link with you??"

Hey hot American blogger, we are wild and crazy guys that just want to party with you!

Anonymous said...

All your Feela Peens are belong to us..

and keep that link to yourself - You don't know where it goes, but you KNOW where itz been! Gnashty.

So, Speakin of Teh CountrayMuxic

I'd like to dedicate this necks lil number to all ya'll Drift'rs, and esp that Gal so Blue.
(sound quality is 'meh', but deal with it)

Unknown Hinson - Put On Some Lingerie

work/child safe, just keep the volume under wraps

Anonymous said...

YOU ROCK Drifty:

The musicians I enjoy most seldom stay inside one genre.
There are only two kinds of music, good and bad. (Who said that first?)