Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Holy Shit!

Uh...my alarm...musta broke.

It is well to remember that, almost since the day Bar squatted down amongst the thistles and squeezed him out on the back nine, Dubya has been a shallow, lazy fuckup.

And now that he's all growed up and his failed Presidency is rounding the clubhouse turn, it doesn't look like he's planning on changing much.

Bush: 'Worth it to try' on Mideast peace

By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent1 hour, 24 minutes ago

President Bush expressed concern Tuesday about the risk of failure in the first major Mideast peace talks in seven years, warning that could spawn a generation of radicals and extremists. Still, he said, "It is worth it to try."

Bush cautioned it would take time for Israelis and Palestinians to reach an agreement. The goal is to reach an accord within 14 months by the end of Bush's presidency.

"I don't think it's a risk to try for peace," the president said in an Oval Office interview with reporters from The Associated Press. "I think that's an obligation."

While Bush has been criticized for standing back from Mideast peacemaking for most of his presidency, he described himself as "very engaged, up to the moment" in bringing Israel, the Palestinians and more than 40 countries together for a conference in Annapolis, Md., to launch the first major peacemaking effort in seven years. The last significant attempt at Mideast peacemaking was at the end of the Clinton administration in 2000. Its failure was followed by a Palestinian uprising and violence.

A man willing to give a solid 22% at whatever he does as long as someone else picks up the tab.

A man who will only grudgingly throw together together some 3rd rate, half-assed, last-minute toothpaste- and-whatever-he-found-on-the-way-to-school science project so that his stooges and apologists and work wife can later insist that The Great Man "tried".

Well at this rate, his final, panicky year in the Big Chair should be quite exciting.

Something like Major Kong

meets “The Paper Chase”


Anonymous said...

HAIRY HAND!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I heard something on the news about LeCondel saying how important this was because there haven't been talks in seven years. My head about erupted. No, Madame Secretary, there haven't been, not since you assclowns came to power and have been doing everything this side of dropping nukes to fuck up any shred or thought of peace in the region.

Every time I think I've become immune to the sheer audacity of these fools, I am proven wrong by one more Hail-Mary, Statue-Of-Liberty, Ultimate-Bullshit play they pull out of their collective ass that catches me off guard. Just amazing.

Anonymous said...


It is now officially time to replace the classic definition of "chutzpah".

Truly, there has never before been an administration that has generated such a "can you be-LIEVE these fuckers?" response so consistently.

Oh, and props to Drifty for the Paper Chase Vid. Now, if only someone had taken Bush's "skull full of mush" and done some Kingsfield mojo on it...

Phil said...

Hell it's just another staged photo op.
The dumbass wouldn't have the faintest clue as to what to do here.
it's allllll about the legacy, man.
Stupie McFuckwit and diplomacy are oil and water.

Anonymous said...

Well at this rate, his final, panicky year in the Big Chair should be quite exciting.

Ah, but there is no panic. Flatlining his way out.

I loved The Paper Chase.

Anonymous said...


Of course it's just a sad attempt to slap a band-aid on his shark ravaged "legacy". I wonder how that's going to work out...

I heard on the radio that he spent all of three hours there. Talk amongst yourselves, boys. See how important it is?

Anonymous said...

This man makes more sense than anyone I've heard.


WereBear said...

Chimpy seems to think seeming to do something, and having other people see you seem to do something, is really the same thing as actually doing something.

I swear, as someone struggling toward enlightenment, I do my utmost to send him only things that will not mess up my karma as well.

Such as... self-awareness.

I so wish self-awareness on him!