Tuesday, October 16, 2007

After the Floyd Landis mess...

From the WaPo

Spain's Pereiro Receives Yellow Jersey From the 2006 Tour de France

Tuesday, October 16, 2007; E02

Oscar Pereiro finally got his hands on the winner's yellow jersey from the 2006 Tour de France yesterday.

"Finally, we have a winner and it's Oscar," Tour director Christian Prudhomme said at the handover ceremony in Madrid. "Oscar, you have won the Tour out on the road."

The Spaniard moved from second to first after Floyd Landis's disqualification for doping.

"I have the feeling of arriving at the end of a thriller, after having spent 14 months thinking about it and not being able to concentrate as I should have on my job," Pereiro said. "It is essentially a kind of release."

The International Cycling Union formally declared Pereiro the winner on Sept. 21, one day after a U.S. arbitration panel voted 2 to 1 to remove the title from Landis for using synthetic testosterone during the Tour.

It's the first time in the 105-year history of the race that a winner has been stripped of the title.

...one might wonder how cycling can regain it's luster?

I have

some ideas
(not work safe,
she's not wearing a helmet, so naughty-naughty.)


Anonymous said...

Preach to us Brother Driftglass!!

This is why I read your blog first, um, yes, for the thought provoking posts, er, of course. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I've got a helmet..

joshhill1021 said...

That is a damn fine idea there Drifty. I especially love the couple in the car but I do want to know what they are saying.

Myrtle June said...

:-0 I see. I live in a "bicycle required" town. This certainly explains why I see people at stop lights, they blow right through the stop signs so just at lights, doing this back-peddle balance dance so they don't touch the ground or leave the seat until the red turns green and they're off to it again. They get this frowny, interrputed look when the light is too long. Bicycle towns need more poles! Live and learn :-)

Anonymous said...

Is it just a coincidence that she is a Meg Ryan look alike? ;>)
