Susie Bright.
Because she is a damned good writer.
Because while she has a very perspective different than mine, her prose is welcoming and describes humanity in a way that is not at all alien to me.
Because she is so deeply humane, and wears her passions on both lapels.
Because she takes up her pen for serious biddniz; so much more that toss than a sentence or two into the void.
And because she brings that perspective and talent like ball lightening into a valley I had though was already illuminated. Throws her light onto wide, twilight fields of human behavior and possibility I did not -- often could not -- even know were there, and then leads me by the hand and shows me exactly how the gravities and pain that live in those hidden places inform issues about which I care very much.
She teaches, in a way that delights.
Oh, and did I mention she's a damned fine writer?
From here blog, here's a little taste.
September 04, 2007
The Sexual Self-Interest of the Cuckolded Wife
How does Suzanne Craig, wife of the outed Senator, stand next to her disgraced Potty Liar of a husband at a press conference, and not hurl her guts?
She's not the first political wife to put on a show. The spectacle of a prominent woman standing by her man, now revealed to be an adulterer— and of a bent that she could never satisfy— is one of bewildering aspects of the recent Prig-Freak scandals.
Some say there's one explanation for the wifely stoicism: "She's protecting her investment."
Certainly, with the money and prestige involved in a "First Lady"-type of profession, this makes practical sense. Maybe if the reporters called Mrs. Craig after the divorce settlement is signed, and her social future is assured, they'd get an earful that would make their drums bleed.
However, there's a part to the cuckquean's inevitable reaction that is completely denied, because of our cultural inability to imagine a woman's sexual outrage. We don't even commonly use this word for a female cuckold, which is remarkable considering the extent of the experience. It's not just GOP Christian SAHM's who are going through this.
Let us consider the cuckquean's complaint:
She's in shock. She can't believe the guilty plea either, because once she accepts her husband's true behavior, the "everything-is-a-lie" nausea will overtake her. There'll be months— or years— where she doesn't feel like she can trust her guts, make simple decisions, or keep up with cursory obligations. Getting out of bed and giving a shit will become major struggles.
Did she know all along? Half the women with closeted-gay husbands I've spoken to over the years have confided, that yes, they had a clue. The others say they were blindsided.
In some cases we see married men who openly proposed to their fiancĂ©e, "You're my last chance, you've cured me; now that I've found you I'll never stray again." The tender girls believed it. They believed it because of their inadequate sexual education, and because it was so flattering to feel that special, the romantic ideal. "Sublimate your sexuality to devote yourself to your husband's transformation!" —It never works, and yet it keeps getting takers.
Because significant numbers of women are forgiving of their husband's sexual past, some of them are LESS homophobic than their closeted husbands. They often feel emotional sympathy for the gay common man— they wish more straight guys would lighten up in the loafers. Even if they don't "get it" yet, these women are attracted to an androgynous sensibility. If they were out of the closet, they would call themselves fag-hags, and look for a wonderful bisexual man to settle down with.
I remember being confronted once, on the Phil Donahue TV program, during his great decline into talk show balderdash, by a "gay conversion couple" from Exodus.
The "recovered husband" gently held his arm around his very pregnant wife. When I asked her, "Do you find that there's something special about your husband that was hard to find in other guys?"— she turned bright red. Tears sprung to her eyes, and I was afraid I'd break her water.
"Stop it!" she cried. "He's artistic and sensitive and has feelings; that doesn't mean he's gay!"Her inarticulate anguish spoke louder than her protestations.
Most cuckqueans feel authentic love from their husbands. They aren't just doing his wash and spitting out brats— they feel adored and confided to, relied upon, and engaged in their marital partnership. Their terrible secret is the silence in the bedroom.
Then it all comes out, thanks to your friendly neighborhood undercover cop. The badge flashes, and your life is over. Everyone knows your husband had 'homosexual relations," and he's still blithering that it was nothing but a "wide stance." The earth splits open between you.
For the rest, you have to go here.
Jesus. As deep as this particular abyss is, and I cannot even imagine where the bottom might be, it is a microcosm of the secret terror that wingnuts are slowly waking up to. Everything they've ever known, built a life and philosophy on, educated their kids to believe, thanked Jahweh for, maybe even bled for, is built upon a lie. Everything.
I don't know if this really applies here - didn't he rather hastily marry Mrs. Craig, one of his staffers, in the afterathof the last page scandal (which he oddly denied pre-emptively without being asked)? If that was the case, isn't Mrs. Craig simply a beard - and a knowing beard at that?
Damn, your choice of recommendations are as good as your own writing. Don't ever quit.
Dang it, driftglass. You come up with the Best Stuff Ever! (re: Susie Bright and "I see your cuckhold and raise you one cuckquean.")
Just wanted to "out" myself here ... as someone who did NOT realize that the balding, pink-tied dork you've placed next to your sugar glider flying squirrel (the one with the tiny wang-dang-doodle sporting his own little pink tie??)... that the hominid was David the Right-Wing-Shill Bobo Brooks!!
Oh, my. I went to FireDogLake this a.m. and as I saw Dork Man load in, I thought, "Hmmm. Did I click on drifty's link by accident?"
Oh well. No fixing the image-challenged! The FDL post was kicking MacNiel's heine at fake-PBS, for letting BoBo Brooks slither around. So I posted on the rat-gut droppings Brooksie left at the NYTimes -- aka: cat litterbox liner -- on Fri Sept 7.
Something about how real Amurrikans don't need that universal health care crap. And Americans are "too individualistic and pluralistic" to bleed like Europeans. Or something.
Some such John Wayne fiction-twaddle. Frankly, I liked Bobo Brooks better when I thought he was the fictional owner of your penile-impaired sugar glider!!
Thanks, driftglass.
I've enjoyed what I have of the Best American Erotica series. Gotta hope that several generations ahead of us, people are less worked up by/with sex............ and just are themselves............ and enjoy.
I am honored, sir!
Queenie Biscuit
As a straight married man, I agree with my wife that gay men usually make far better husbands than macho chestbeaters. They are more fun and interesting and considerate. Actually she would prefer I were gay, but that wasn't meant to be (though I myself prefer gay to macho men types as friends and acquaintances on the basis of common interests)
"You're my last chance, you've cured me; now that I've found you I'll never stray again."
Woo boy! There is only one thing to do if you hear those words out of your man's mouth.
Susie is da bomb. May I also recommend Figleaf as one who writes about sex with an intelligent instrument.
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