Friday, September 21, 2007

A little roundup

To ease you on into the weekend, pards.

Because sometimes I need a posse.

And sometimes all I need is my rifle, my pony and...

Minstrel Boy sharing a moving and eloquent story of finding wisdom where we usually find it: in the most unusual places, standing next to the most unexpected people.

Riverbend brought to us via Brilliant at Breakfast finding that through our Dear Leader’s worship of Ares, we have conjured another ancient plague and visited it on the nation of Iraq.
File under: Cholera in the Time of Rove.

Spocko continuing to show what one Alert Citizen with a laser pointer can do to focus public attention on what truly evil filth pukes up out of wingnut radio every single day under the fedora of “entertainment: and “opinion” programming.

Gives me an idea. We have this local station called WIND. Hmmm. Watch this space.

DC Media Girl returning from wherever it was that she went. One assumes secret hero stuff and that various shadow villains have been discreetly dispatched to the Phantom Zone. If you know otherwise and it comes in the form of a more pedestrian alternative explanation, cork it.

Or do you want Big Al Pushkin coming around and kicking your ass?

“The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us then ten-thousand truths.”

-- Alexander Pushkin


explained. (from this larger post)

I am biased. I know it.

But with LowerManhattanite, Sara Robinson, "Doc" Wendel and Hubris Sonic firing on all cylinders and raining funny and wise and brilliant and hell-ayshus doom from above, one cannot help but note that the Group News Blog has well and truly arrived.

Of course now the trick is to keep dancing.

‘Cause baby, sometimes it feels

just like this (footage secretly taken at the Blogger's Breakfast at YearlyKos.)

And other times

more like so.

Yowza, yowza :-)


Myrtle June said...

Thanks, Drifty! I needed a little dreamy cowboy sangin' in my day ;-)

Anonymous said...

alright, as a gnb spouse I have to say that was freaking funny. I mean it...

and I was so impressed by you in person btw.
the littlest gator

driftglass said...

Myrtle June,
You're quite welcome.

Littlest Gator,
Thank you.