Saturday, September 01, 2007

Evildoers Rejoice

As administration announces plans to Cut and Run from Utah.*

Igniting a firestorm of attack from Conservatives, terror-symp surrender-monkeys from the Federal Government “Voted for defeat” and announced today their plan to begin cutting and running from the Crandall Canyon mine.

This from the AP

Search for 6 Utah miners is suspended

By JENNIFER DOBNER, Associated Press Writer

Federal officials have indefinitely suspended efforts to find six men trapped for nearly four weeks inside a coal mine after a robotic camera failed to provide any useful information, an attorney for the men's families said Friday.

"They said, 'We've exhausted the options that we know about,'" said Colin King, an attorney serving as a spokesman for all six families.

Allyn Davis, a regional director for the Mine Safety and Health Administration, told the families that the robotic camera was successfully dropped down the fourth of seven holes bored into the mountain, but that it quickly became stuck in the mud as it moved over piles of debris, King said.

Officials also could not retrieve the camera and had to leave it stuck about 50 feet from the surface, he said.

"They didn't rule out the possibility of an eighth hole, but (Davis) really didn't give any indication that they were seriously considering it. Not unless somebody came forward with new information," King said. "(Davis) said, 'We've done all we can do.'


In a recent pro-Bush commercial, the mother of Steve Verisimilitude – carpal-tunnel-disabled chickenhawk warblogger – summed up the Conservative position this way:
“When the Earth’s Crust attacked us on September 11th, my proudest moment was when President Bush promised the world that we would root out that Evil Dewar’s wherever it was; in Iraq, on the Moon, in a gay man’s bikini area, or in our nation’s coal mines.”

“And what about Afghanistan?”


“Never mind. Go on”.

“And I just feel that if we let Liberals vote for Defeat and cut and run from the Crandall Canyon mine, it would send a message of weakness to the trillions of cubic yards of terrorist rock and soil that are even now plotting right beneath our feet.

“If we don’t fight and win against terrorist mine collapses in Utah, the mines will follow us home. Soon they’ll be collapsing in your children’s schools, and on family picnics!

“Why do Liberals hate children’s schools and family picnics? Why?”

Why indeed, Mrs. Verisimilitude.

Perhaps now, at the very least, the Radical Left’s opposition to the development bunker-busting tactical nuclear weapon technology -- that could have been used to neutralize the Al Gaia forces holding the miners hostage -- will finally be exposed for what it really is: a manifestation of their unhinged hatred America's mines and miners.

* Cthulhu parody of a Chick Tract found at this site.


Anonymous said...

Al Gaia! Priceless!

Hubris Sonic said...

miners, bin laden, who cares... we're an empire!

Anonymous said...

Nice re-framing. On point.

ThePoliticalCat said...

Dude, parody of Chick tract site was so not found. Good rant.

driftglass said...

Fixed & thanks for the catch.

us blues,
thank you, sir.

hubris sonic,
Empire hath its privileges.


Danny Allbritton said...

At least Bush had an exit strategy for this one.