Monday, August 06, 2007

When Natter and Anti-Natter Collide.

If life were a justice-driven physics experiment, Old Jokeline...

(Seen here as he imagines himself to be)
From Time Magazine, Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 (emphasis added)

"How will America face the post-Saddam world — brazenly, with Old Glory flying, or with quiet authority? Will it be hubris or humility? Humility was, of course, George W. Bush's campaign promise. "If we're an arrogant nation, they'll resent us," he said in his second presidential debate against Al Gore in 2000. "If we're a humble nation but strong, they'll welcome us."

"But humility was lost in the anger, dust and blood of Sept. 11; it will be nearly impossible to recover when victory is won in Iraq.

"Hubris could easily masquerade as reality. We are incomparably strong and admirably free, the most benign superpower in history. But the truths inherent in that proposition could easily lead to a falsehood — that we are justified in remaking the world as we choose.

"Certainly the world seems ripe to be remade.

"We had certain strategies and policies and institutions that were built to deal with the conflicts of the 20th century," Vice President Dick Cheney said recently. 'They might not be the right strategies and policies and institutions to deal with the threat we face now.'

"The old order did not distinguish itself in the run-up to Iraq.

"The French preened for the pacifist European street.

"Hans Blix's inspection regime wasn't nearly as muscular as it needed to be.

"NATO fiddled; the U.N. failed. Reality dictates that changes will come. At the very least, American forces — an inexact but not insignificant barometer of American interests — will be drawn down in Western Europe and moved east to friendlier (and less expensive) billets like Hungary."


...and New Jokeline...

(See here as he is abjectly terrified his peers will make him out to be.)
From Time Swampland, August 5, 2007 (emphasis added)

"Anyone who says "victory" is possible in Iraq is lying to you."

(Who, of course being Jokeline, must still tongue the Bunghole of his Fake Centrist God by caveating this simple, self-evident fact by adding…

“Anyone who says, as Bill Richardson does, that we can and should pull all our forces out by the end of the year is also not telling the truth."

And (w/ more, yummy, nutritious emphasis added)

“…that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to limit the damage, as we leave, and leave carefully, intelligently, calibrating every step (which means no public timetables or end dates ).”

…would meet, collide and mutually annihilate themselves in a blinding flash of craven insipidity as bright as a 1,000 suns, powerful enough to fuel a million Priuses for a billion years.

But life is not a justice-driven physics experiment.

And for reasons that passeth all understanding, sniveling Establishment Bell Jar fart rebreathers like Jokeline roll merrily along, cashing Big Media Paychecks.


After year.

After year.

After year.

After year.

After year.


Anonymous said...

There was a 17th Century English politician, the Earl of Halifax, who earned the name 'The Trimmer' as he was known to trim his political sails for wherever the wind was. Anyway, I wish someone would trim Jokeline's puerile schtick (and beard).

Anonymous said...

DG- YKos has set you ablaze!

darkblack said...

Draft that dirty hippie!

Draft, and double draft!


zombie rotten mcdonald said...


Withdrawal, but no planning.

Anyone care to be the last one to leave under THAT idea?

Here's an idea. How about the establishment press Corpse be the last?

Anonymous said...

joe klein, what a doorknob.

and so self-absorbed, he doesn't seem to understand thaat no one takes him seriously. not even the serious folk in washington.