Friday, August 03, 2007

Fanatic (Second) Life and Semiotic Death

Among the Soapblox Bums.

…he said, knowing full-well he was purloining and abusing the fine title of a fine Rolling Stone article by Stewart (Whole Earth Catalog) Brand -- “Fanatic Life and Symbolic Death Among the Computer Bums.”

Sometimes, when out and about, I find myself to sitting at the periphery of a wireless cloud, straaaaaining to slip the surly bonds of Earth to touch the Face of Blog. I try to make it a virtue; to use it as a meditative moment to relive the glory days of 9600 baud modems, 50 MG hard drives and watching for anxious minutes as the screen repaints itself and I learn that, yet, she does have glorious tits.

Call it kilobyte nostalgia, except it's not real. True, those were the wide-open, pioneer days, when writing mad-tight code could get you laid, and everyone at the clubs knew how to do the “Electronic Handshake” (You put you right squeal in. You take your right squeal out. You put your left squawk in, and you squeak it all about…)

But I do not pine for the Good Old Days of Big Iron.

These are the good old days.

And so it was that I found myself at the outer perimeter of the folk (2000-ish? With 250 members of the credentialed press? Hehehe. I like those odds…) waiting for Dr. Dean and the senior senator from Illinois to tell us that the intertoobs have arrived.

And they have, sorta.

It is a grand time, with cool discussions busting out all over, about which more late.

For now, the small, vital thing I learned was, everything I do is wrong.

Ah, but I knew that going in, so I guess I’m ahead of the game.

The lone blogman is over. Dead as Diogenes. Soooo mid-2006. Like Waits’ tragic mystery woman in “Hold On” – she of the “charcoal eyes and Monroe hips” – the lone blogger is leaving the arena “Just like a bullet leaves a gun”. Or should. Or so I am told.

Too bad.

If I nicheblog, or localblog, maybe there is some hope.

If I get a buncha friends, a barn and some costumes, maybe we can put on a show and save the farm!

If I become a village smithy diarist ‘neath the spreading chestnut tree of a Big Blog, hammering molten consonants into custom-crafted adjectives with my large and sinewy hands, then perchance I shall leave some small impressions in the digital sands.

Perhaps not.

However there is much to enjoy here, and these thoughts do not trouble my mind.

Whereas it is very hard being an Alpha blogger. Very, very hard. They have worry-lines, and agita, and have to fret over fluctuations in the price of blogads.

Heavy indeed hangs the head that wears the "Heh. Indeedy."

Or, as Huxley put it:
"Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard..."

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Or, anyway, so I am told.

On a side note, one conference over, the Shriners are here. Funny hats, rituals, hierarchy and good causes.

And that, I think, in the end, is how a fair man can render a fair judgment on a day at the Big Orange Fair: By looking for an answer to the question, "Have forms and formalities consumed the mission and the passion?"

At YKos, the evidence suggests they very definitely have not, and that is why I do not pine for yesterday or worry about what happens in the pantheon when the thunder gods choose up shirts and skins.

Because these are the good old days.

And we are winning.

Or so I am told.


Anonymous said...

Yes. Staying stealthy and peripheral.

Stealthy, yes, peripheral, never.

Anonymous said...

Well you may be doing it wrong, but if you are perhaps the a-listers should consider the real definition of 'wrong'

You rock, all by tour lonesomes out there in the windy city, and I for one will continue to read you, right or wrong.

Don't get me wrong, I read them there a-listers & sever b-listers as well. I bothered me though, when Digby took a gig at Slate. Probably did it for the $$, & who can blame her. I still read her & always will, but not at Slate.

Just think someday they'll (Kos et al) will be on the inside looking out, and you'll still be Driftglass, hammering them metaphors out of materials they wouldn't touch.

pinch another one for me...


L.S./M.F.T said...

To paraphrase:

"If lovin' what you do is wrong... I doan' wanna be right!"

And while I'm here... I'd like a large order of that, Brain Salad Surgery. To go.

Anonymous said...

"The lone blogman is over. Dead as Diogenes."

Fuck that noise!

Anonymous said...

"There behind the glass stands a real blade of grass,
be careful as you pass..."

The imagery of that ELP cover fits in nicely with the thread about serving wenches below.

If Gilly (may he rest in peace) were still around the two of you could laugh uproariously over a few beers together over the fact that you're not doing IT right. RIIiiIght.

Anonymous said...


ahh, the GIGER..


you lay it DOWN like




for CASE

just to make a


A list


cause the LIST


and has no JACKS

Anonymous said...

Heavy indeed hangs the head that wears the "Heh. Indeedy."


Organic Mechanic said...

Eddie B, you're on it!

Digby @ Slate? dang, go off and hug some trees, come back and a good (sorry, IMHO not a great) writer goes legit w/ microsoft. hey, always glad when an angel of light gets a paycheck, but what if it's not about jobs?

Driftglass, watch the out for the seduction of celebrity. and the invite-only parties.
remember Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends, we're so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside.

Anonymous said...

Digby @ Slate?

No, it was Salon. She was guest blogging in The War Room while Tim Grieve moved cross-country to DC.

Driftglass, I assume that 'A-List Blogger' metric is based on traffic numbers, which I suppose is the only thing that can actually be measured by the measuring wonks.

To me, A-List Blogger means someone who has influence, someone people listen to, link to, talk about and read every day.

You are an A-List Blogger using the GW metric. You always have been. Keep being wonderful, and thank you for all the wonderfulness you have brought to us in the past.


Anonymous said...

Is "Heh, indeedy" some reference to a book? I'm just curious.

Anonymous said...

Diogenes will never die, nor will you.

Anonymous said...

No, it was Salon...

oops,I can't keep all those things straight. And guest logging, phew, that takes a load off.


driftglass said...

No, it's a reference to habit of some Big Blogs to sometimes do little more than dash off 2-10 word links ("Heh, indeedy" being one example) to the same 10-20 other, substantive writers and sources over and over.

Those sites can be useful news aggregators, and their commenters can be lively and interesting, but it irritates some smaller bloggers that people whose blog consists of one, terse link after another to other people then lecture on A) how hard it is to do what they do and, B) how if other people just wrote better then they could break into the Magic Circle