Saturday, August 11, 2007

Dear Mom

You asked me to remind you to add this movie to your Netflix queue.

So, y'know, do that :-)




Anonymous said...

I am still thinking about your Maxim/Men's Health article.

Remember the early "Playboy After Dark" shows, with Hefner and his cool cat friends, like Shel Silverstein. That is what tI think of when I think of contemporary Men's Magazines. My advice (from an advanced age, but knowledge still deficient) would be to just really love women. That is the key.


As Screaming Jay H. would wail..."You put a spell on me." I saw him once, singing that song. That is how old I am.

This is leigh, with a new identity.

Anonymous said...

On one of those "Playboy After Dark" shows Hugh had the Grateful Dead perform. Nobody, including the host of the show, escaped un-dosed. Hef is said to have thanked Jerry Garcia afterwards for the special experience. Just thought I'd share.

But Sarah, the million dollar question us guys have is just what do women mean when y'all say we need "to just really love women."

Anonymous said...

US Blues,

Admittedly an intangible, the sense one has, at the core, that whatever the outward trappings, this man really digs women. Enjoys the company of women.

My first true love defined sexy as "liking sex." It is the same idea.

So much contempt for women that it sometimes seems expected. When it is absent, the goils rejoice.

Anonymous said...

"[J]ust what do women mean when y'all say we need 'to just really love women'."

I think the idea is to treat all people, both men and women, like human beings: without making assumptions or drawing distinctions that flow from their status as men or women as opposed to their status as human beings.

Fran / Blue Gal said...

HEY. This ain't no fricking open thread. We're supposed to be commenting about Drifty's mom and how she has a thang for Russell Crowe.

You're obviously a good son, Drifty dear.

Anonymous said...

She has good taste.

Drawing distinctions is what makes it fun.

Myrtle June said...

I like RC fine, 'cept for that accidental phone-come-to-life leaping from his innocent hands up side the head of the hotel clerk. He's got the power alright! Maybe RC should put Carrie on his Netflix list and learn how to harness that stuff. ;-)

Enjoy the movie, Drifty's mom. He IS a good and thoughtful son. You done good :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nudge. It's all queued up. myrtle june and blue gal, you are soooooo correct. . Driftglass is as terrific a son as he is a blogger.

driftglass said...

IMHO if you start with just liking women, the rest falls more easily in place...

Hi mom!