who writes for the NYT has protuberated another column.
He’s all pained and swollen and hurty because the Iraqi Parliament is So Stoopid!
And Dubya is So Stoopid Too!
Oy! If only someone could have predicted this?!
Here’s the little fella himself, in a couple of snips transcribed from the original by itinerate monks…
“Help Wanted: Peacemaker”
I can’t imagine how I’d feel if I were the parent of a soldier in Iraq and I had just read that the Iraqi Parliament had decided to go on vacation for August, because, as the White House spokesman, Tony Snow, explained, it’s really hot in Baghdad then — “130 degrees.”
I’ve been in Baghdad in the summer and it is really hot. But you know what? It is a lot hotter when you’re in a U.S. military uniform, carrying a rifle and a backpack, sweltering under a steel helmet and worrying that a bomb can be thrown at you from any direction. One soldier told me he lost six pounds in one day. I’m sure the Iraqi Parliament is air-conditioned.
Captain Obvious does like his First Person Pronouns, doesn’t he?
He continues…
Here is what I think of that: I think it’s a travesty — and for the Bush White House to excuse it with a Baghdad weather report shows just how much it has become a hostage to Iraq.
President Bush baffles me. If your whole legacy was riding on Iraq, what would you do? I’d draft the country’s best negotiators — Henry Kissinger, Jim Baker, George Shultz, George Mitchell, Dennis Ross or Richard Holbrooke — and ask one or all of them to go to Baghdad, under a U.N. mandate, with the following orders:
“I want you to move to the Green Zone, meet with the Iraqi factions and do not come home until you’ve reached one of three conclusions: 1) You have resolved the power- and oil-sharing issues holding up political reconciliation; 2) you have concluded that those obstacles are insurmountable and have sold the Iraqis on a partition plan that could be presented to the U.N. and supervised by an international force; 3) you have concluded that Iraqis are incapable of agreeing on either political reconciliation or a partition plan and told them that, as a result, the U.S. has no choice but to re-deploy its troops to the border and let Iraqis sort this out on their own.”
We owe Iraqis our best military — and diplomatic effort — to avoid the disaster of walking away. But if they won’t take advantage of that, we owe our soldiers a ticket home.
Granted this is Act II, Scene IV of the evolving “Blame the Iraqis” opera that is slowly being test marketed here and there in advance of its big Washington DC debut this winter.
But, like virtually all of Friedman’s columns, it is so much less about real events happening in a real world than it is about the person of Captain Obvious himself and his lifelong battle to avoid intersecting with reality at any point.
Because, like virtually all of Friedman’s columns, when hit full in the face with a flaming bag of poo from the Right, he shakes his tiny, porcelain fist at Venus and not Mars.
He confesses to the whole spectrum of “But you told me you’d adore me for-evah” emotions of the jilted lover –-- bafflement (“President Bush baffles me”), exasperation (“So let’s get this straight…”), and a some laughable, never-gonna-happen-dumbass plan for getting back into his lover’s pants (“I’d draft the country’s best negotiators…”) –-- but never rage.
Never righteous fury.
Never “Oh, these fuckers have got to go."
Because in the Friedmind, Centrism – as defined as the philosophical midpoint between what Jim Webb believes today, and whatever the worms that are burrowing into Jerry Falwell’s rotting carcass believe today – is the All Holy.
Doesn’t matter that machinations of the Christian Conservative Jihadis have shot the idea of a “Sensible Center” as dead as the idea of “Maverick McCain”; without the Fake Middle to harp on, Friedman’s whole patent medicine journalism scam goes tits up. And so to keep this Very Long Con going, Tommy-boy and his Broderian hordes need to keep this bullshit narrative stuffed on both sides with heroes and villains in roughly equal numbers.
However, on the Right, they’re stuck with George and Dick, and since this entire Ponsi Scheme depends on the Kings and Queens of the Political Chessboard being framed as stubborn-and-sometimes-wrong-but-essentially-honorable men and women (who, therefore, desperately need the sober council of Captain Obvious and his crew) it is simply no longer within Tom Friedman’s sensor capacity to notice that he is talking to the air.
He is a Noted and Very Serious Jounalist that literally cannot see the truth when it is standing right in front of him, 1,000 miles high and pissing on his Moustache of Enlightenment. The truth that he is considered a fool and an occasionally-useful idiot by the Right, and a sleazy Quisling by the Left.
Dubya was, by any measure, a shallow, incompetent, sadistic, drunken failure most of his life, and the only reason he isn’t spending his declining years caroming soddenly off the walls of some doublewide in a West Texas trailer park, or running Lil’ Dubya’s Cut Rate Liquor and Fireworks outlet, is that his daddy had money and his daddy had clout.
There never was anything other than that –- and the fact the he inherited the keys to a ferociously powerful wingnut electoral and propaganda engine -- to recommend George W. Bush to the attention of history in any way.
As heroes are idealized versions of our virtues, Dubya is the perfect personification of our every national failing. Our callowness and stupidity. Our smothering fear. Our sense of absolute entitlement to...everything...regardless of the cost to our planet and our children's future. Our CEO-culture’s desire to slide past doing as little as possible while being praised and paid as much as possible. Our hatred of and terror of the sick, the weak and the poor because they remind us of where a little bad luck could land us. Our lust to be the ass-kicking bully and not the faggy peacemaker. Our contempt not just for our own government, but for the history and sacrifice that gave us our democracy, and the true genius involved in balancing out the terrible forces and temptations inherent in the exercise of any coercive power so that we might avoid falling into one of tyranny’s many traps.
The Bush White House represents, in every detail, the ascension of the worst and most shameful angels of our nature, and that is the Square One at which Captain Obvious refuses to begin.
He inists on beginning his Dubya Narrative both “in medias res” (Roughly: “In the middle of things”) and “in media medias” (Very Roughly, because I just made it up: “In the middle of the Center".)
Because if Dubya really is just a rotten fucking President and a rotten fucking human being, and if he really was elected/scammed/B-and-E-ed into power by people just like him, then Friedman’s whole worldview collapses like a New Orleans levee.
And while the Right consoles itself with false and apoplectic comparisons between their Iraqi Debacle and WWII, unlike that War President -– who was raised under similar conditions of wealth and privilege -- Dubya has sailed through a life that has required no hard decision, no personal integrity, and no genuine crisis leadership: the kind of leadership where you look your own people – your own caste – in the eye and tell them they must make actual, personal sacrifices for something called “the greater good”.
Because Dubya was raised to believe there is no such thing as the greater good. That unfettered capitalism fueling the slaughterhouse machinery of the merciless marketplace was the Greatest Good.
The ruling caste of the Right wuuuuvs the Markets...
...just as long whatever laws are broken to protect the Regime can be expunged with the flick of a pen.
...just as long as whatever banks they looted and busted-out got propped back up again by President Daddy and the American taxpayer.
... as with New Orleans, just as long as they get to cruise along –- safe, squeaky-clean and air-conditioned -- 30,000 feet above the devastation they helped create.
These cocksuckers love and extoll the virtues of The Rules...just so long as they never, ever have to live by them, which is why their Patron Saint is George W. Bush.
Because Dubya is livin' the dream, baby!
Because this theology -- which Dubya has completely internalized -- is what allows him to be so smirkingly cavalier with his critics no matter how logical and insightful, and so smugly dismissive of the facts, no matter how overwhelming and indisputable: because in Bushworld, there are the Somebodies, the Nobodies, and the “Markets” (which exist to extract the nickels and dimes and votes from the latter and put them into the pockets of the former.)
Nobodies pay taxes. Nobodies get huge sentences for small crimes and then rot in jail. Nobodies sweat about paying the bills. Nobodies have to deal with "facts" and cope with criticism.
Nobodies fight wars.
In fact, the Almighty put the Nobodies here specifically to serve and suffer and die under the Markets, for the greater glory of the Somebodies. Hell, this is self-evidenced by the fact that they aren't Somebodies.
Which is why, where Franklin Roosevelt asked for sacrifice and service, for all of the talk of Iraq being the most consequential human struggle against relentless evil since Jason and the Fucking Argonauts,
the best Dubya can muster is a Call to Shopping, some mumbles about tax cuts and only occasionally and ever-so-gingerly a suggesion that, just maybe, kinda, sorta, it'd be OK if people joined the military.
If, y'know, you’re not busy.
Never once -- in all of his, States of the Union, Matter of High National Importance, or Scare The Shit Out of America speeches -- has he gone on teevee, looked his Base dead in the eye and asked them to stop Cheetoh-binging and burning crosses and join the fucking Army because his Iraq War has broken it, and without a functional military we’re doomed.
Never once has he dispatched his key staffers and Cabinet members (as the White house does every time they want to flog some miserable Corporate Welfare program or foreign policy lie) to barnstorm the country asking Good Republicans to dig deep, to buy Iraqi War Bonds, and to do a hitch in the infantry in Iraq because it is a moral imperative and because then they could shame those Evil Liberals with their big, shiny, Conservative patriotism and win election after election.
Hell, Dubya could just drive on out to Chris Vucovich’s house in his pickup (Because what’s the use of illegally spying on American citizens if you can’t know exactly where someone lives when you need to?) with an Army recruiter and an army of journalists and tell Chris that his country needs him to do more than pick fights with Gold Star mothers.
That would be the act of a genuine leader.
The genuine “Peacemaker” that Captain Obvious claims he is pining for.
And it would instantly destroy what is left of the Republican Party.
Because anyone with a shred of honor long ago fled the horror-show the GOP became after it was killed, gutted and eaten by the Segregationists and Christopaths.
Because now Hate Radio, Fox teevee, Wingnut Dominionism and the Party of Lincoln itself all exist and sing from the same infernal hymnal for one reason and one reason alone: To give the hateful, the bigoted, the misanthropic, the gay-bashing, the selfish and the aggressively stupid intellectual cover-fire.
Put simply, these instrumentalities of the American Fascist Parti are paid lavish sums of money to wear suits, invoke the Almighty, and tell the scum of this country that they are the Chose of God.
And just as long as the Base keeps mindlessly supporting the Bush Regime, they will continue to receive both Divine and Randite seals of approval for any of the grotesque, despicable and profoundly anti-American swill they continue to vomit out.
And since this is God’s Own Natural Order, any talk of government action, service, “sacrifice” or the common good smells too much like Collectivism and Comm’nism for their Beautiful Minds.
It violates the Trinity of Somebodies, the Nobodies and the “Markets”, and Saint Ronald Reagan didn’t personally destroy the Comm’nist Empire just to have it brought back because of some ay-rab war that we'd be winning anyway if only the Liberal Media would tell the truth, and the Radical Left would stop trying to raise your taxes and queer up your kids, and just let the Preznit win!
This filthy and downward-spiraling symbiosis is all that remains of the GOP, and it is the Beast that Dubya keeps fed, pandered and which he leads around on a leash.
But the simple and repulsive truth that the Bush White House is simply the most visible public extrusion of a vast cancer which has rotted away the entire GOP, most of the media, and has dangerously weakened every other public institution from the labor movement to the Democrats to the Constitution itself -- that this story has genuine Villains piled up on one side for which no equalizing “balance” is to be found on the other side -- is a truth that Captain Obvious, for all of his books and billions, cannot afford to face.
And so he prattles along, stamping his tiny feet, demanding an explanation and makeup sex from a Monster which, when it bothers to notice his existence at all, no doubt laughs itself hoarse at what a useless, clueless shit he is.
"Dubya was, by any measure, a shallow, incompetent, sadistic, drunken failure most of his life, and the only reason he isn’t spending his declining years caroming soddenly off the walls of some doublewide in a West Texas trailer park, or running Lil’ Dubya’s Cut Rate Liquor and Fireworks outlet, is that his daddy had money and his daddy had clout."
This passage gets my vote as the gold nugget of this driftglass rant. There is always at least one.
Absolutely on the mark with the Somebodies and Nobodies metaphor. I once described President Bonzo as every asshole boss's kid you've ever known. You know the one--the smirking fucker who Dad makes the "manager", or, God forbid, winds up running the company when Dad retires or dies.
There isn't a circle of Hell too hot for this bastard.
This passage gets my vote as the gold nugget of this driftglass rant. There is always at least one.
And the last paragraph is the silver nugget:
And so [Captain Obvious] prattles along, stamping his tiny feet, demanding an explanation and makeup sex from a Monster which, when it bothers to notice his existence at all, no doubt laughs itself hoarse at what a useless, clueless shit he is.
Perhaps on these occasions Friedman should be referred to as "Captain Oblivious"?
Friedman clings to the "Center" because he can't think. Having two points to pocket-protractor a position from is vital.
And he can't even do anything complicated with his pocket-protractor. All he can do is find the middle.
I like the verb, "protuberate." Makes me wonder if DG is familiar w/a classic of 70's porno-chic, _Flesh Gordon_, in which the minions of Flesh's Evil Enemy addressed him as "Your Assholiness" or "Your Protuberance," usually while saluting smartly.
It must be Drifty's discount coupon day - cuz before clipping this lil nugget I had no idea the checkout aisle was already open! (as an irregular commentariat protuberance here in the back alley I think it funneh that somes of us thinks in similars ways)
"Because Dubya was raised to believe there is no such thing as the greater good. That unfettered capitalism fueling the slaughterhouse machinery of the merciless marketplace was the Greatest Good".
And as you rightly pointed out that his caste believes anything remotely smacking of 'commons' is commie!!,and needs to be privatized or stamped out of existence. And that's what grills my eggplant. That so many who identify with the 29%s, who have little (if what?) to gain from destroying the commons, the constitution, and the bedrock of their once proud 'liberty' that apparently the whole wide world 'just hates, I tells ya, just hates us for' (but apparently they hate even more) -- would support every iota of this trainwreck administration with every fiber of their slumgullion souls.
Yes, this enigma has been addressed better by T. Franks "what's the matter with Kansas?" book.
In looking for answers the only suggestion I can reconcile my mind with, is that the 'Nutters are every bit as howling mad as their Towely-Ban cohorts, who would blow up ancient statuery (ie national treasures) because the visage of anything that does not look, smell, pray, beat their wives in exact a manner as they do must be DESTROYED.
Or muhbbe the 27%s are actually DALEKS dressed in golfshirts?
The definitive Capt. Obvious column is "Because We Could the most venial justification of the war ever printed :
Smashing Saudi Arabia or Syria would have been fine. But we hit Saddam for one simple reason: because we could, and because he deserved it and because he was right in the heart of that world.
This strips Capt. Obvious of any right to discuss the war, period.
Dubya was, by any measure, a shallow, incompetent, sadistic, drunken failure most of his life, and the only reason he isn’t spending his declining years caroming soddenly off the walls of some doublewide in a West Texas trailer park, or running Lil’ Dubya’s Cut Rate Liquor and Fireworks outlet, is that his daddy had money and his daddy had clout."
I second the vote for this as the real nugget of this post. Rock on, D.
Haven't been able to post for a long while, but always readin' and always enjoyin'. Thanks Drifty.
I dunno y'all, myself, I was particlarly captivated by this little lava flow of righteous, tasty, classic Drifty goodness:
"As heroes are idealized versions of our virtues, Dubya is the perfect personification of our every national failing. Our callowness and stupidity. Our smothering fear. Our sense of absolute entitlement to...everything...regardless of the cost to our planet and our children's future. Our CEO-culture’s desire to slide past doing as little as possible while being praised and paid as much as possible. Our hatred of and terror of the sick, the weak and the poor because they remind us of where a little bad luck could land us. Our lust to be the ass-kicking bully and not the faggy peacemaker. Our contempt not just for our own government, but for the history and sacrifice that gave us our democracy, and the true genius involved in balancing out the terrible forces and temptations inherent in the exercise of any coercive power so that we might avoid falling into one of tyranny’s many traps."
Aye, far more than one good nugget be found in this little ditty, Drifty!
Thing is, Friedman ain't free. 'It' has to be paid for in blood and treasure..............
Friedman can blather all the republican shitspeak he wants to, and it won't help bush achieve the one thing that's impossible.
That is, his and the GOP's desperate attempt to somehow separate what is now going on in Iraq, from his/their decision to invade the country 4-plus years ago.
They would have us believe that this all descended on Iraq in a shower of golden jesuspiss 6 weeks ago.
I don't believe they can squeeze enough Friedmans out of the shitmire to do that.
I get outrage-spikes, pretty often these days; and I get down when we can't even get ALL the democrats to help put the screws to these assholes.
But then, I remind myself, there are 16 MONTHS until the election, and EVERY single day we will be able to hear the repubs squealing louder as the 'nad vise gets another handle-turn. :o)
By God, that's sweeter than J.S. Bach on a starry night. :o)
The bunker is shrinking as we speak. Condoleeza Rice HAS to be getting tired of shitting in a wastebasket.
Bring it on. :o)
-- Friedmind --
Le Mot Juste of this piece -- trademark it, Drifty!
And I'm with Scout on the "As heroes are the idealized versions ..." passage. Sing it, brotha!
Worthy selections, one and all! I must admit to a prejudice in my vote--I likes me sum o 'dat HST-flavored snark!
Often times, when I read our friend DG, I hear echoes of what first attracted me to the Doktor's work.
Pure gold, the whole thing.
I am with scout:
"As heroes are idealized versions of our virtues, Dubya is the perfect personification of our every national failing. Our callowness and stupidity. Our smothering fear. Our sense of absolute entitlement to...everything...regardless of the cost to our planet and our children's future. Our CEO-culture’s desire to slide past doing as little as possible while being praised and paid as much as possible. Our hatred of and terror of the sick, the weak and the poor because they remind us of where a little bad luck could land us. Our lust to be the ass-kicking bully and not the faggy peacemaker. Our contempt not just for our own government, but for the history and sacrifice that gave us our democracy, and the true genius involved in balancing out the terrible forces and temptations inherent in the exercise of any coercive power so that we might avoid falling into one of tyranny’s many traps."
as a dirty furriner, it sums up 'modern america' and the culture you guys export. Some twat on my TV mentioned a political issue as being in 'the beltway', WTF I am from NZ we don't have a beltway.
We even get the silly edwards hair cut shit in our papers. Murdoch is a shit and an aussie and is single handidly dumbing you dooowwwwnnnnn. We have a saying here muttered by a long gone Prime minister, every kiwi that emigrates to Australia raises the IQ of both countries.
I cry for your country. But there is hope and this is the bravest man in your country today:
the guy that offers to do 15 months in Iraq if GWB goes with him.
Andy in NZ
what are the requirements for a dirty furriner to emigrate to NZ?
oh, and I know the fishing's great, but how'z the skiing?
just.. ya know, curious.
"Every Kiwi that emigrates to..."
That's cold, mate.
But funny. :o)
In other news, I see where the "surge assessment" is now manfully being wrestled back to November by that part of our military willing to trade lives and their credibilty, for a promotion.
Whomever that guy was who coined "Friedmans", he HAS to be on our side, and I sure as fuck hope he copywrited that sumbitch, 'cause it's gonna be used more and more.
I've been saying for a couple of years that turning the Iraq "timeline" into thin-as-a-condom latex was going to be THE survival tactic for bush and the borgs.
In the heat of a coastal South Carolina summer, I go now to toast myself (and Drift...:o))with a cold one. :o)
Thanks for this. Someone should send the Moustache of Understanding the link.
Try this: http://www.mcsweeneys.net/2004/4/28ward.html
Didn't even know he was a billionaire until you mentioned it. Wikipedia is our friend.
Rob: Skiing is ok this season, not my thing. check out Queenstown and Wanaka (Shania Twain lives there!!), fish and ski on the same day!
All you need to come to NZ is a passport, a heightened sense of irony and $$. Just come over for a BBQ and a few beers and check it out. You are all more than welcome.
Tanbark: Yes its cold, but you should hear what they say about us.
I see they are putting bush to sleep to check his arse this week, will they find condi's teeth marks? Or Cheney's DNA?
Andy in NZ
I'll have to agree with Scout - cut and pasted that paragraph to my "Favorite Phrases" notebook.
Funny thing though...it seems to be filled with more drifty quotes than anything else.
Andy; they're going to find Bin Laden!
The clever dog has been hiding up there all this time, instead of actually roughing it in Waziristan.
(Also, they might get lucky and come up with 500 tons of missing WMD's, and a few semis full of yellowcake from Niger.)
And, Andy, I would LOVE to take you up on that. The scenery is stunning, and I'm convinced there are no women less-than-beautiful in the entire country. :o)
I have really come around to see what you see. What you are describing here is the story of America NOW. The dominance of rotten people and their evil political party smashing every value we hold dear, while the media looks the other way or makes excuses, like a negligent mother making covering for her violent kid.
I will repeat it to anyone who has ears form here on out until something changes. I hope I don't die first, this kind of evil takes time to kill, but what else are we going to do, leave without a fight? No way.
I've already sent my favorite nugget to several friends, with the driftglass URL. It begins with "Dubya was, by any measure, a shallow, incompetent, sadistic failure.." and ends with that incredible paragraph describing how he personifies our worst traits as a country. Two great rants for the price of one!
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