Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Conspirators who brought you "Freedom"

Have gone and done naughty, naughty things to



Anonymous said...

I'm probably in the minority on this, but I would be pleased to see bush pardon Scooter. Libby's guilt would no longer be an issue. He would BE guilty...and pardoned.

And the sooner we get close to the "teens" for bush's approval ratings, the better. :o)

I mean, at this point, it's not like the bush/GOP cupboard was chockablock with political capital, right? :o)

I'm looking at this as a sort of Political Science 101 experiment:

To what level does a preznit's support sink, before his own party begins carving off sacrifical pieces of him to throw to the voters? :o)

I'm not too worried about the legalistic aspects of "high crimes and misdemeanors". I'm sure that the GOP could re-hire Perle and Wolfowitz to gin up another "Office of Special Planning" for the sole purpose of cobbling up the required offenses.

Perhaps George Tenet could reassure the Senate Judiciary Committee of the validity of the charges with something like:

"It's a slamdunk!" :o)

WTF! Maybe Colin Powell could appear in front of congress, with large photo blow-ups of bush, Cheyney, and Rove, working on that 2003 "yellowcake" State of the Union address. :o)

No. There are other bungholes crying out for reaming, than little Scooters'. :o)

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid we are enjoying the decline and fall of George W too much. In fact I fear that it is no more than candy or bread for the fans in the coliseum.Look at the unfolding of Iraq from Day 1. Stop chuckling! Ask yourself if the men in charge are really stupid buffoons.

Bush is the hand that distracts us while the game goes down, the clown that keeps us laughing while the man who considers himself beyond all law, proves it. Ignore the clown and look directly at the actions of Cheney for the past seven years and wonder why he claims unto himself a secrecy that supersedes that of the Presidency itself.

Consider for a moment that the coup may already have occurred and only the complaisance of the Republicans and passivity of the Democrats have avoided the test that would have caused the hand to slide out of the velvet glove and grasp the sword.

Given the provisions for the emergency takeover of the nation that Cheney has slipped through, expect a major catastrophe--natural or otherwise--a catastrophe that allows a centralized takeover and a postponement of elections--before November. Be surprised if a legitimate free election occurs. But then you shouldn't be, between Florida and Ohio we have not had a free election for president since 1996.

Ivory Bill Woodpecker said...

I wish we could get sane people running the country again so I could go back to dismissing coup theories as paranoid nonsense. This tinfoil hat CHAFES, dammit! :)

Mister Roboto said...

This tinfoil hat CHAFES, dammit! :)

The smell of burning hair on hot summer days is no fun, either.

Whoever made this video must have gotten his tracks from "ABBA, Greatest Hits, Vol. I". I wore out the cassette tape when I was a young'un and therefore haven't listened to it in many a year, but I mentally expected "Waterloo" to be followed by "Mama Mia".