He’s got a plan.
Steve Gilliard asks here “What if Bush says no?”
“What happens, if after Congress has hearings, the ISG issues their report and Bush says no.
What happens, as US forces get attacked by all sides and the roads seized, if Bush says no to ANY changes. Because, right now, 150K servicemembers are relying on James Baker smacking the president into common sense. Because, right now, he's going to go down to the bitter end with other people's lives.”
It’s simple.
First he will issue a “No Retreat” order. Because the Dear Leader cannot fail.
The Dear Leader can only be failed by his inferiors and subordinates.
Second, he will airlift the troops powdered milk, Bibles and 8x10 glossies of himself and Barney. Because he knows that while his Generals secretly plot and scheme against him, the soldiers love their Dear Leader and will gain strength from being able to see his face, and that of his tiny dog.
Third, he will dispatch an aide to the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor to commandeer the general’s ivory handled Smith & Wesson Model 27.
Fourth, he will hie himself down to his Crawford Drinktesgarten, strap on his new pistols and spend the remainder of his Presidency in his special Man Room “slapping his privates” with his “...pal Johnny Walker/ And his brothers, Black and Red”.
Because he sorta remembers hearing that’s how World War II was won.
1 comment:
Well, we've since successfully appropriated the word "withdrawal" in much the same manner that the GOP and its Christo- and petrobots had appropriated the words "morality", "compassionate" and "conservatism". So they had to cast about for a suitable synonym that wasn't supposed to be a synonym at all.
"Pulling back", I think is the new phrase. It's not a withdrawal, our chickenhawk security advisers are quick to add, it's a "pulling back."
Which is the first move you make before a full-scale retreat, or as they say in the country, headin' fer th' hills.
Which is where we ought to be headed were it for two things: Duh-bya's dog shit-stupid stubbornness and the fact that we'd be leaving millions of Iraqis in Baghdad alone in a major lurch. Bush could use that as an excuse to keep us in even after Baker officially makes his case.
And to a lot of people, it would work, including on me. Not that Bush can pull my heartstrings but those poor children and defenseless civilians could.
Our neighbors' septic tanks overflow, a trickle runs past our street and we holler to the town authorities. Now imagine living next to an open sewer day after day.
Imagine seeing dead bodies in the street every day.
Imagine having no electricity 21 out of 24 hours.
Imagine having to actually fight for food and potable drinking water.
Imagine going without work year after year while bloated profiteers bring in foreigners to do the work for half the wages you'd ask for.
Imagine seeing more ruins than new or habitable buildings.
No one in America outside of New Orleans can identify with that.
Least of all Georgie "I'm a realist because I understand how tough it is inside of Iraq" Bush from his hidey hole in Amman, Jordan.
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