Sunday, August 06, 2006

Lieberman Campaign Advisor Dumsfeld sez:

“Victory in Connecticut? It’s a slam dunk!”

It’s really sad how wrong Digby gets this…
Order The Pink Slips

by digby

Jane has an interesting post up today about the odd choice of the Lieberman campaign to run against the "crazies" and the blogs instead of Ned Lamont. It ended up creating a thoroughly incomprehensible caricature of him as a wealthy, country club, angry hippie, which I don't think makes much sense to the voters of Connecticut.

What has struck me the most as I watched this campaign unfold from afar, is just how inept the Lieberman campaign has been on almost all levels. He had the money and the incumbency and the professional big time advisors and he ran a campaign that was almost laughably lame. I think it just shows, once again, that the tired, uncreative, tone deaf Democratic consultants are a big part of the problem for the national Democrats. If this is what the establishment produces you can see why we have lost everything.

For instance, is it even remotely understandable why, in the final week-end of the campaign, it was Atrios who dug out statements by Lieberman from 2003 in which he quite aggressively challenged Bush on the war? Why in the world didn't the Lieberman campaign have that appearance in an ad running on a loop?

It's probably because Mr Contrarian, having done a 180 on those views since then, nixed the idea for unfathomable reasons. But if somebody had dug that footage up and circulated it to the powers that be in the Democratic party, there undoubtedly would have been pressure brought to bear for him to use it --- and endorse it. Maybe that happened, but I doubt it.

And now to find out that he had originally been critical and then changed his mind (because of what is speculated to be petulance about his treatment in the 2004 presidential campaign) is stunning to me. I'm actually beginning to wonder if deep down Joe wanted out anyway. (Or perhaps he really does want Rumsfeld's job.)

In any case, this is a primer on how to screw up an election by Democratic Insiders Inc. Again.

Clearly, Digby has not read the latest intel which shows that Lieberman not only has vast caches of votes throughout the State, but is also in possession of so-called

“mobile voting laboratories”.

I recently sat down with Lieberman campaign strategist Ronald Dumsfeld, who explained that, "We know where the votes are.

They’re in the area around Tikrit Torrington and Baghdad Hartford and east, west, south and north somewhat."

“We have seen intelligence over many months that the voters are there. They're dispersed and ready and, in one case at least, the command and control arrangements have been established."

When pressed on his campaigns plummeting numbers and what looks like an epic beat-down at the polls, Dumsfeld said, “Well, I don't think it's likely to unfold that way, driftglass, because I really do believe that we will be greeted as liberators.”


Not at all.

“The Lamont Insurgency in it's final throes," Dumsfeld explains. “We all firmly believe that believe demolishing Lamont’s candidacy and liberating Connecticut will be a cakewalk.”


Anonymous said...

Your posts are like love-letters from the future.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think Joe will be greeted with sweets and flowers after he wins the primary.

They'll probably be naming a CT city square after him in less than a year.

If an independant run for the senate is necessary, it'll pay for itself in pharmaceutical company revenues.

Let freedom "reign."

dcnative said...

New Haven will fold after the most compassionate bombing campaign in political history.

PWhit said...


Anonymous said...

hahaha, driftglass as balm for the monday morning blues...

Anonymous said...

Don't misunderestimate the mighty arsenal that Lamont Hussein has amassed. We're talking vast Weapons of Media Dissemination here! He has drones that can launch disinformation in a 45-minute window! Mushroom-topped clouds of pizzas for his secretive inner circle! He sought to acquire yellow bundt cake from a store run by an African American! It's better to fight him in Bridgeport than here.

Oh, and by the way, you better check your source. I noticed he called you 'driftglass' without the spaces.

PWhit said...

Is that a half stigmata with big gun going on there?

driftglass said...

i think it's his 3rd eye. and no surprise its closed and black.

Pretty funny. And he has never gotten his facts straight, so I can't imagine he'll start now.

gotta scoot,