"We are not occupied silence."
Stretching off to the horizon, frenetic are the days and hectic the nights, so what is the busy blogger-on-the-go to do?
Well outsourcing, obviously.
Why with all of the gadgets, weapons, stealth cloaking devices and other modern conveniences available these days, I’d be crazy not to!
(I realize I'm breaking Blogger Ethics Code Number One by writing about this, but outsourcing is the dirty leisure secret behind many of your most successful A-List bloggers. And now globalization has brought mad hitcount success within the modest budgetary reach of every weekend verb duffer. [Oh grow up. You didn’t think those reams of “Developing... ”, “Late Night. Enjoy.” and “Yeah, yeah, another stupid open thread.” were Ezra Pounded out on American forges by pricey union labor did you?])
So because there are some blogs Americans just will not do, I’m giving the offshore boys a test drive. Running some of my oldies past a few of them & giving ‘em a chance to wow me.
Shoot ‘em a column by Bobo or Captain Obvious, a fistful of adjectives, and while I sleep and dream of Lius and Dawsons, dozens of moderately-English-proficient typlings pound prose for pfennigs on the far side of the Earth.
And thanks to the miracle of planetary rotation I awake refreshed with 6-8 pages of sparkling fresh diatribe waiting for me to salt in a few trademarked punctuation and spelling errors over morning cafe au lait and toast points with smoked salmon tartare.
And bingo! You just lie back as the plaudits and paydays roll in like the Mighty Mississippi.
Yes young blogger, you can have it all!
So I’m giving an outfit called “Mumbai Snark” (an Indian sub of the venerable DeutcheSnark) an audition with this post from days gone by.
C’mon India! Don’t make me throw my business to Mexicans!
By interpretation of this article, it is functional to remember that swell-less it, Servile respect for this administration by the pressure and the congress was not a product of 9/11: It was a preexistent malignity which obtained certainly a massive food amount on 9/11, but it was always in attendance.
You point out too much that the vigor policy of the United States was given like the keys to the national Death-Eye Dick Cheney of bar-dresser the day her room young and weak of spirit was sworn in the office.
Cheney then proceeded to take each of her lubricate execs of comrade in a back room, to bar the door, and to divide the future of the oil of the world like the pig of Christmas. Naturally, these all took place a long time, a long time before the invasion of Iraq trumped above to the top of the obviousness and the rumour A this of the charts of Iraq and which was going to obtain what were a part of this meeting.
Strange how which established, hein?
Naturally there is no manner of knowing the details of what really occurred because the Death-Eye pressed the "classified" whole thing - a movement which would have raised a hurricane of newsprint and a tear-tide of ink if it had occurred under the administration of Clinton, but hardly had increased rabbit a soft wax of a breeze in the pressure once made by the GOP. The my OH my how the republican fury above terribly, "secrecy" intolerably icky around the sessions of meeting of reflexion of health of Clinton immediately evaporated when it was Cheney lowering the cone of the surplus of silence its own projects of pet.
The month so last it was the advertisement which exxon (of an example) had the income Net of the fourth quarter of $10.7 billion.
It is with a "billion" made with a "B". dollars
10.7 of B-B-billion. Net. In a quarter. And, "during the year the company gained the income Net of $36.1 billion, or $33.9 billion other than the special articles. It is to the top of 31 percent of the $25.9 billion that it gained this basic year earlier."
And now, in a handbook-perfect example of the only thing the agenda of GOP always was really approximately - plundering and bankrupting the government of the United States and transfering its capital on Republican-friendly limited companies - this history the range and the lack of scruple ends which almost completely steals me my words (emphase additional)
Just, since likewise another point of reference is, $35 billion hard what the administration of Bush already far in their collapse failed "Iraqi reconstruction" although as always, the friends of Cheney pissé, which were made outside as a king advice, and their volume armed and free rodent in Cheddarvania.
And $35 billion would buy enough body armament, in order to maintain each man, woman and Maskottchen in Iraq as humanly possible safe of the ied attacks.
Hé baisez the body armament: $35 billion would buy more than 35,000 "from the runners Rhinocéros" the carriers all but impervious ton anything but A tactical poor nuclear energy, which Rumsfeld and Cheney work on around inside, by being able to be fallen by Bagdad, over like the plundering go, but is too expensively distant and faaaar your average is leaving to see mudfoot of it new carrier smell sweated upward.
And then, you make enough more than for left ones equal decimal position would have left, in order to compensate the substantial fraud, which FEMA has the riot with easement funds from Katrina run let. Fraud, which runs certainly "from the millions dollar; there could about ten or hundreds of millions dollar."
Do not make you left to the content for bridge of Ted Steven perhaps enough alike "on anywhere."
Sorta...Walt Whitmanish.
If Mr. Whitman were suffering a massive concussion.
While on an ether frolic.
You HAVE been working too hard. I suggest you refer to one of Dr. Hunter S. Thomson's "self-help" books, I'm sure he has some good remedy's in there for this sort of thing.
I think these guys wrote every technical manual that I have every read. At least, like the manuals, there is an illustration.
Sir Driftglass:
A post worth well-reading, and thought-for-food on this Day Fathers. Hope there for some tax brakes to reward this outsourcing of your fine blog. Keap up the good wurk!
--Cieran's Offshore Subsidiary
...mmm, ether....
That took some work. Was a little hard to follow until this I read it with accent appropriated.
Somebody is channeling "The Stars My Destination."
When Rove was under fire, I, too, hoped for an increased rabbit a soft wax of a breeze in the pressure, but, alas, he was cut loose, ever a free rodent in Cheddarvania.
Ah, but one can still hope that the Fitz waiter will deliver the wafer-thin mint to the Vizekreosot pissé.
The free rodent of Cheddarvania is a bit Gully Foyle. I liked it very much.
Eddie Blake? Hurm. I thought he'd gone sidewalk diving. Maybe that was just one of the hallucinations caused by that other-dimensional alien that materialized in New York. I still miss Pale Horse.
Just passin' through for a minute between hither and yon, so all I'll add is...Vorga!
Вы делаете шутку?
I'm deleting my blog first thing in the morning. So if you all wanna take a last long look around, do so. I've had it with this political shit. Not the politics on Capitol Hill. I signed on for that.
But certain left wing bloggers take themselves way too seriously and, even while carping about 1st amendment rights delete comments and outright ban me even while I take their side. Five is more than enough and I can take a fucking hint.
So fuck this blogging. It's taken too much out of my life and it has gotten me absolutely nothing in return.
I'm outta here, for good this time.
DG - that pic is F'n brilliant!
Keep on keepin on - bienvendidos, or безопасные путешествия на Вас, wherevv you iz.
Reminds me of the pilot prospect McCoy was interviewing. "GENESIS?!?!"
Sweet. Multiple Bester comments.
JP, sorry to hear you've hit the flameout point. I kind of know what you mean, though. Watch the blood pressure. Keep the fun.
sounds like the sumpin' outa the fishwrap they sell down at the Kwik E Mart. Thank You, Come Again
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