Saturday, April 15, 2006

This by Tanbark

Needs a turn at the mike.

Stalwart of Steve Gilliard’s Bar-n-Grill and friend to this blog, Tanbark left this in the comment section and I think it needs more air and better light.

One quibble though: the bit about “as lovingly as we flogged our dicks, when we first discovered them”?

What’s with the “when we first discovered them” qualifier?

Here is Mr. Tanbark...

I have been arguing with the conservatives for about 40 months now, since the run-up to the shitmire, when, a few days before bush pulled the trigger, I begged them, literally, to call their congresspeople and senators, to tell them to yank on bush's leash, and stop the madness.

It did no good, of course. And whenever they start talking about what to do to NOW (Okay; they don't talk about Iraq much at ALL, these days...) I just remind them that they lost their "here's our worldview credentials" in a Baghdad morgue.

But something is dawning on me, and I've accused the most zealously pro-war of my sparring partner knee-jerks of it, a couple of times, already. It's what you're talking about.

Some of them...a substantial number, I'm afraid, don't MIND seeing the world turned into a hate-filled armed camp with everything predicated on who can conceive and build the most anti-human and corporate-portfolio-enhancing war toys.

They want it. They want to live in a dystopian B-grade post-armageddon-sci-fi flick, where pump shotguns with 60-round magazines make perfect surrogate dicks for aging middle-class conservatives, who clean their home arsenals, as lovingly as we flogged our dicks, when we first discovered them.

That would solve the pain and confusion they feel, as their women wander off in search of some residual affection and tenderness, from what they once had; as the "queers" come out of the woodwork, some of them, their own children; as the "illegal aliens", unable to find decent paying work for themselves and their families in places like Mexico, head north for a chance to make what for them, is a living and SAVING wage.

For these change-hating time-freezers, the kind of idiot's denial that is now Iraq, is just the thing, and "in for a dime---in for a dollar" is a philosophy that they love.
Better to kill nations, if not literally, then, humanistically, than to admit to how wretchedly, bloodily, wrong they were.

It's up to us. I'm starting to feel like the kid and his mom in "The Terminator" movies.

Not there yet, but this November, if not before, there will be a winnowing. Either the people who have inflicted this obscenity on us are called to account, or we will have no place to hide.


Anonymous said...

Our friend Tanbark deserves this recognition for his insightful comments, always based on his personal experience with and understanding of the turths that underlie our world situation.

Plus the man loves Bluegrass!

PS- Careful Tanbark, you may wind up with a blog if DG and Stevie G keep prodding you.

KEvron said...

"They want it."

dead on. these perpetually adolescent yahoos who treat their assault rifles like holy relics and cite red dawn as a fave secretly long for the realization of that film's ludicrius premise. they fantasize about living off the land, supply raids on their occupiers' camps, ambushes, skirmishes, and clever get-aways.

but lacking this ideal reality, they instead live their small lives vicariously through those whom they admire (read: fear). they vicariously engage the enemy, enjoy wealth, wield power. having the chimp in office - truly someone like them - heightens the appeal of the fantasy; makes it more real....


Anonymous said...

snort! they couldn't live a day without their Chee-toes

Anonymous said...

Sheeit, Drift; to see the prof putting a little of my poor stuff up for the class to read...and on the same board where you hang Steve and Lower Manhattanhite...I blush and head for the men's room to pee in delight...

But, I swear, we got 'em on the run...helped mightily by their own:

"We could fuck up an anvil.."

Wizardry. :o)

But you;

you gladden my heart and fill it with hot anger and cold resolve, at one and the same time.

Your mix of laser-perception and wild-ass, hilarious snark, is unrivalled.

Pray, continue.

Gayvet, USBlue, and Kevronius; le's get 'em. :o)

pissed off patricia said...

Tanbark, you "misunderestimate" yourself. You can turn a fair word too, my friend.

KEvron said...

i feel a group hug is nearing....

KEvron, curmudgeon

Anonymous said...

Patricia, thankee kindly...

As we slog our way out of the bloody Cambrian fens of greed, paranoia, and stupidity, may the "broad, sunlit, uplands" be only an impeachment or resignation (whichever comes first) away. :o)

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