“Through an ass darkly…”
Wherein the GOP demonstrate their “Pre-1776” mindset.
Two quick-and-dirty highlights right up front that had me worried about my mental health.
On Fox….in his ongoing fit of “Everybody Does It!”, Dirty-Jack was-a-bipartisan-pimp compulsive onanism, Chris Wallace frantically Abramoff’s himself all over his guest’s clean, Progressive suit, followed by an interview a coupla “Young Guns of the GOP”.
(Last week it was three Republican “reformers” that had squeegeed enough Dirty Jack Wank off their faces for us to see their lyin’ eyes and, forming a Papa, Mama and Baby Bear GOP Denial Kickline, managed to force their mouths to say the words “GOP Reformers” without that chemical cocktail that supersized The Joker’s pie-hole in “Batman”.
The contest, last week and this, is now how far and how fast can you distance yourself from Abramoff, and how many times can you repeat a variation of the phrase “bipartisan scandal”.
Abramoff? Never met the man.
Jack Abramoff? Never heard of him.
Lifelong-GOP-powerbroke-and-my-son’s-godfather, Jack Abramoff??? Why, he doesn’t even really exist. He’s just a Neocon Kaiser Soze we dreamed up; a myth to scare little Republicans.
As twas prophesied, they shall deny him three times before the cock crows. And Andy Sullivan wasn’t even on the Matthews’ Show this week.)
And then, on NBC – this week as last -- Chris Matthews doodles “George + Chris 4ever!!!” all over his Sunday Morning spiral-notebook, and openly pines and sighs for his Strong Man President to Rhett Butler him up the stairs, into the Lincoln Bedroom, for some rough, fascist sex that will finally make a real woman out of him.
Which is the point at which I raised my hands over my head, smiled, and recited my name out-loud to make sure that I hadn’t had a stroke, because weren’t these exactly the same fine examples of the GOP Predator Drone Media that they were flying last week?
Regurgitating the identical Neocon topic heading, in very much the same order?
On “This Week…”
Barack Obama making the rounds.
Gotta do better, Senator. I lova ya to death, but I agree with Atrios, seconding TPM that:
Let me second what Josh says here and add something. I get very tired of Democrats using their very limited TV time to say things like "we need to do better" or "we need to do a better job explaining our views to the America." Just do it! Start explaining! Do better!
Senator Chuck Hagel is the Obligatory Dismayed Republican this week who – along with Lindsay Graham and John McCain – take turns strapping themselves into their Brooks Brothers sackcloth and ashes and bemoaning the awful awfulness that the leaders of his own Party keeps perpetrating and perpetuating.
But never…quite…gets around to actually DOING anything about.
Chuck goes positively medieval on Karl Rove’s chubby rump, saying (all citations herein are driftglass approximations, not to be take as an actual quotes) , “I didn’t like what Mr. Rove did…
And, “National Security is bigger that political parties…"
And, “It is wrong to frame national security issues as political issues…”
Poor Chuck sez he doesn’t understand why the President won’t come to the Congress to help him make or tweak the tools he needs to fight terrorism. After all, “We are co-equal branches of government”!
He can’t just unilaterally decide he’s going to violate that 1978 law. He can’t just decide he gets to whatever he wants to do, and ignore the Constitution.
Uh, apparently he can, Chuck, because your Party chooses to give him a pass on such things. See the fault, dear Chuck, is not in your stars, but in your own damned self. Jesus’ Special Dauphin thinks he’s Charlemagne because you let him get away with his mad shit, and ain’t nobody “co-equal” to an Emperor.
Everyone on “This Week” is just shocked that when people between the River Jordan and the Ukraine are given a choice, they choose to shift hard-hard into Radicalville, and tell us more and more violently to step the fuck off of their territory.
Dismayed that every single thing the Bush Administration has done has made everything much, much worse.
E.J. Dionne -- bracketed by puckered fusspot George Will on one side and leering, shambling DLC Sockpuppet Joe Klein on the other -- explained gently that “we have been on a holiday from complexity in this country.”
(Full Disclosure Moment: OK, I’m 80% pretty sure that’s what Dionne said. I only half-finished making notes on the funny men at the Mouse Circus before I had to run out for what turned out to be a very long day, so when I got back to the castle, all I had written was “we have been on…” and had to backfill from memory.
So he could have said, “we have been on…our guard against the largely imaginary dangers of feet-eating geckos for too long and ignoring the real threat from gypsy cotton-candy vendors, who refuse to speak English and I’m pretty sure are mocking me in their fancy gypsy lingo. Also their cotton-candy smells like the glue George Will uses to keep his rug on straight.”
But he probably didn’t.
End Full Disclosure Moment.)
Which is nerdspeak deployed by a geek that doesn’t wanna get beaten to jelly with a tire iron in the Green Room -- but still wants to poke his tormenter in the eye -- to say, “See, George, this is what happens when you let stupid people run the fucking country.”
And when in comes to the U.S. unsheathing the saber in Iran, George Will put a grim, angry smile on my face.
Will unpacks his wee soapbox, clambers atop it, and says, sure, we can bomb the crap out of Iran and knock it back ten years or so.
But, Will asks, “Then what?”
“That’s the question. That’s the question we didn’t ask bef…”
And in that perfect little jewel of a moment you could positively smell Karl Rove tickling the joystick that controls the high-voltage, barbed wire cock-ring that the GOP keeps wrapped around the withered sac of its pet journalists.
George unwrapped his lips from around the words he was just about to say like a man stung in the gums by a wasp the size of an Escalade. He then quickly shifted gears and began nattering on about Admiral Yamamoto telling the Japanese high command that, sure, he could attack the U.S. fleet and run wild in the Pacific for a “year and a day.”
…but “Then What?”
Of course the statement Will was verging on making before Karl the Klown jolted him back to goodthinkfulness was this:
“That’s the question. That’s the question we didn’t ask…before we invaded Iraq.”
But of course, that’s kind of a sore subject; one that the Stalinist Right has striven mightily to stomp down the ol’ Memory Hole and piss away into the mists of forgotten myth and lore.
Because, of course, people did ask that question before Dubya rolled our children into Iraq to be slaughtered behind his PNAC fantasies and petroleum dream, didn’t they George?
Millions and millions and millions of people asked that very question.
Very Loudly.
They were called Democrats, George.
And your Party called them unAmerican, remember George?
And even the Democrats who supported the invasion of Iraq –- and there were many of them -- made it very clear that they were not giving your President a blank check.
The Dem’s made it abundantly clear that there needed to be concrete, convincing evidence of an imminent threat. Evidence of WMDs delivered by inspectors on the ground. Evidence of some linkage to 9/11.
They demanded that enough troops be used to get the job done. And they insisted on a clear exit strategy.
And your President mumbled, “Yeah…Ok…whatever”, blew off every warning and caution, grabbed the keys to the car and drove it right off the fucking cliff, didn't he George?
And the Democrats who had made the epic mistake of trusting a dim little creep like George Bush to behave responsibly with the national Credit Card?
Your Party called them weak and cowardly, remember George?
Funny how you seem the effortlessly remember, oh, say, every stray stat surrounding Cal Koonce’s ERA, but can’t seem to remember these rather vitally important, life-and-death facts about your Party and President, isn’t is George?
Joe Klein thinks its “absolutely shameful” that the President keeps using national security for political gain.
Gee, Joe. Really? Wow? Who'da thunk it?
On The Chris Matthews' Show...Also a thematic rerun of last week’s twaddle.
Every single fucking question framed as “Just look what at what a muslim-whippin’ badass Bush is! How vewwy vewwy manly. Look how snugly his balls fit in my mouth.
And Holy Crap what a bunch of whiners and quibblers the Democrats are! With all their whinging and wheezing about this mysterious Constitution and 'civil liberties'.
Jeez! What a buncha brittle old women the Dems are talkin’ about the fact that the foundation stones of American Democracy are being sledgehammered to sand by that tough, musky, Hombre-In-Chief, a man who’s taint sure tastes like peppermint ice cream to me!"
What was missing was anyone uttering a discouraging word.
Last week the Bush-luvin’ pee party was at least momentarily broken up by…
Cynthia Tucker throwing a hard elbow right in the throat of the cocka-suckas on her right and left. She actually said the words, “Southern Strategy.” Spoke of the Original Republican Sin of choosing to deliberately and shamefully pander to racists. Of always swinging through the Segregationist Academy of Bob Jones University when out making the presidential campaign rounds.
Which was followed by…silence. In memory, what seems now like a million years of crickets, broken only when Andrew Sullivan announced that he thinks the President is genuine. In his heart. It is wrong and irresponsible to ascribe racists motives to Blah Blah Blah.
Cynthia Tucker didn’t say Dubya’s a racist. She didn’t say Dubya hates black people. No, Dubya hates poor people: he just sucks a lot of racist dick, uh, recreationally.
But alas, that was last week.
This time around Chris made sure no one was on the panel who would challenge him when he leaped up on the table, ripped his shirt off to reveal his Bush/Cheney ’04 pec tat and commemorative GOP nipple clamps, and screamed:
“Sure Dubya might be a liar and a dimwit, torturer and thief. But for God’s sake people: just look at the ass on that man and tell me you could say “No” to that!”
Seriously, driftglass: how do you maintain your sanity -- or at least keep from doing an Elvis on your tv -- while chronicling these courtiers and GOP bum-boys?
However you manage it, as always, you've earned my gratitude and admiration.
I'll second that. I haven't been able to watch most of these fuckers for years now.
I know this is kinda spammy, but if you feel like taking a minute to answer, I'd apreciate it.
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Oops the link to my blog is on my name. So you don't clutter Drifty's.
driftglass: thanks for the new naughty pillow-word - onanism. I had to consult Webster's online, according to which it means "coitus-interruptus" or "masturbation." Following yours and Clooney's lead, I suppose you mean "masturbation." heehee. Or self-pleasure. I guess Chris Wallace hasn't read the highly informative L.D.S. (Mormon) "Steps in Overcoming Masturbation" http://www.helpingmormons.org/Masterbation.htm
I wish I didn't so strictly follow rule #2 from the link above, which is "Avoid being alone as much as possible. Find good company and stay in this good company." If I didn't follow rule #2 I might be able to join in Chris Wallace's onanism without such overwhelming guilt.
prof fate,
Who says I've maintained my sanity? :-)
As I drew back to pitch my breakfast sandwich at Chris Matthews bloated image on the TV, I was stopped by my inner voice - "Don't throw that yummy thing, turn the TV off. Drifty has this covered for you."
You public servant, you.
I watch all the Sunday morning shows too. Sometimes, most times it's self imposed torture. Chris is getting to be almost too much for me to take these days. They all have their sucky moments but as of late he is way past the allotted.
Yesterday on Meet the Press, Frist did his happy denial dance with the corpse of Terry Schiavo.
Beautifully written. :)
I don't watch this drivel, but it seems to me these "pundits' are like the guy at the land fill, the spreader. His job is to use a pitchfork and spread each load as it is dumped on the pile from the back of the garbage truck. These people just spread out the refuse, which in this case comes direct from the back door of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
I don't plead sanity either, but my stomach just can't take it. Last time I tried, I damn near went into dry heaves. Drifty, you perform a real public service.
who says I've maintained my sanity?
Good point. I've always thought normalcy was distinctly over-rated, anyway. ;-)
Christ. Laugh to make me cry and vice versa. Driftglass--when you gonna start writing speeches for the Dems?
Jeez Louise. Two plus two consistently equals five for these people. I suppose they also think that A Million Little Pieces is all a true story! A book should written about all the shit these talking heads shovel on Sunday morning shows, and then given the title A Million Little Feces.
A typical dictionary definition of hypnosis states that it is: a state that resembles sleep but that is induced by suggestion. However, anyone who has tried hypnosis (and any self respecting hypnotist) will tell you that this is a very simplistic view of the subject!
A much better description comes from the Free Online Dictionary which states that hypnosis is: an artificially induced state of consciousness, characterised by heightened suggestibility and receptivity to direction. So what does this mean and how can it be used to your advantage?
Well, the subject of hypnosis has been discussed and pondered since the late 1700s. Many explanations and theories have come and gone though science, however, has yet to supply a valid and well-established definition of how it actually happens. It's fairly unlikely that the scientific community will arrive at a definitive explanation for hypnosis in the near future either, as the untapped resources of our 'mostly' uncharted mind still remain something of a mystery.
However, the general characteristics of hypnosis are well documented. It is a trance state characterized by extreme suggestibility, deep relaxation and heightened imaginative functioning. It's not really like sleep at all, because the subject is alert the whole time. It is most often compared to daydreaming, or the feeling you get when you watch a movie or read a captivating book. You are fully conscious, but you tune out most of the outside world. Your focus is concentrated intensely on the mental processes you are experiencing - if movies didn't provide such disassociation with everyday life and put a person in a very receptive state then they would not be as popular (nor would TV advertising be as effective!). Have you ever stated that a film wasn't great because you just couldn't 'get into it'???
This works very simply; while daydream or watching a movie, an imaginary world becomes almost real to you because it fully engages your emotional responses. Such mental pursuits will on most occasions cause real emotional responses such as fear, sadness or happiness (have you ever cried at a sad movie, felt excited by a future event not yet taken place or shivered at the thought of your worst fear?).
It is widely accepted that these states are all forms of self-hypnosis. If you take this view you can easily see that you go into and out of mild hypnotic states on a daily basis - when driving home from work, washing the dishes, or even listening to a boring conversation. Although these situations produce a mental state that is very receptive to suggestion the most powerful time for self-change occurs in the trance state brought on by intentional relaxation and focusing exercises. This deep hypnosis is often compared to the relaxed mental state between wakefulness and sleep.
In this mental state, people feel uninhibited and relaxed and they release all worries and doubts that normally occupy their mind. A similar experience occurs while you are daydreaming or watching the TV. You become so involved in the onscreen antics that worries and everyday cares fade away, until all you're focused on is the TV. In this state, you are also highly suggestible. That is why when a hypnotist tells you do something under trance; you'll probably embrace the idea completely. However, your sense of safety and morality remain entrenched throughout the experience and should either of these be threatened you immediately wake!
A hypnotist can not get you to do anything you don't want to do.
So while in such a state, when we are highly suggestible and open to new beliefs, a skillful hypnotist, whether in person or via a recording, can alter life-long behaviours and even give us new ones! personal-development.info
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