Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Thanks to this...

...my holiday shopping just got ever so much easier.

Or do you buy into that whole “’Holiday‘ is a just Secular Humanist code for their secret, evil war on one of history’s great annual, religious celebrations" twaddle…

…and insist on the more traditional “Mithrasday”?

Because December 25th sure as shit was not the actual day on which Jesus -- the son of Joseph and Mary -- was actually born.

Well I just hope Mithraclaus brings me something as cool KISS Celebriducks.

Because I have been one damn good boy this year.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Driftglass, yes you have :)

Anonymous said...

Because December 25th sure as shit was not the actual day on which Jesus -- the son of Joseph and Mary -- was actually born.

Right you are, driftglass. All good little Pagan boys and girls know that if you spend a week around the Winter Solstice (aka- Mid-Winter's Day) getting up before dawn in the northern hemisphere to mark to position of the sunrise, you'll understand the Astrological/Astronomical (used to be one science, but that's another story) significance of the 25th of December. For on that morning you will notice that the sun is rising further to the north on the eastern horizon, meaning the days are indeed, finally getting longer. The light is returning, etc.

Since Christianity was fused with the worship of Sol Invictus (the Invincible Sun) by the Roman Emperor Constantine, this bit of Solar observation/worship became part of the Christian tradition. It's always interesting to do the archeology and see what ancient tradition got overlayed by the Christian usurpers. The whole thing is literally a cover-up of ancient Earth and Sky based wisdom. But the truth is still there, and the Gods (especially Pluto) shall have their revenge.


Anonymous said...


Don't be greedy, hon. I think you'll get something a lot more special fer Xmas/Chanuka/Kwanzaa/Solstice/all-the-above. We get to see DeLay get squashed like a bug, watch Abramoff turn and start squealing (perhaps), Frist get dropped into the SEC blender feet first, more from St. Fitz.

All in all, a good Holiday season...

- yam

driftglass said...

No, I've been naughty: just not naughty enough ;-)

us blues,
mid-April I believe is the conventional wisdom. Which ia a perfectly fine time to have a b-day. The fact that the solstice date was boosted by early Xians as a stealth Romans marketing ploy and now they get all squinchy about its "true meaning" just cracks me up.

True. Better to give than to receive and all of that. And I hope St. Fitz gives it to 'em loooong and hard.

Hmm. Maybe it's time to work out a version of Dicken's "Christmas Carol" for the big day. Rove as Scrooge (National security a humbug, Uncle Rove?) who is visited by Marley (Atwater? Nixon?) and three ghosts (Indictments past, present, yet to come) and learns the true meaning of Fitzmas ;-)

1988dylan said...

KISS may have been a cool group, but Gene Simmons is an asshole. Last time I saw him on the tube, he was regurgitating the repub WOT line like a true Brownshirt (albeit one with money and power to shape public opinion.) And the time before that, he was doing the same thing. The guys weren't that bright or talented. Mostly lucky.
Don't give them any more money. Same goes for Walmart, GM and Ford.

Anonymous said...

Rove as Scrooge (National security a humbug, Uncle Rove?) who is visited by Marley (Atwater? Nixon?)


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

hey Thanks Drifty!

just the thing for my brother.

Anonymous said...

ahh yes, what's a war on Christmass without the Knights In the Service of Satan? (Not to be confused with UPS - fuckin bastards screwed my deliveries last year)

Speakin of Xmas and birthing pains,

Howz about a 'plush toy' face-hugger or chest-burster (they're kinda like ALIEN beanie babies).


Yes Virginia, there really is a Satan Clawz..

Phoenix Woman said...

MITHRAS is the Reason for the Season!

And he has a cool blog, too.

Anonymous said...

cool blog you have here.

Anonymous said...

more shopping ideas at dealigg.com :-)