Saturday, December 24, 2005

A Penny Drops.

Bush’s nominee for Associate Impeachment Insurance Claims Adjuster.

So it turns out, Sam Alito isn’t just adamant about overturning Roe vs. Wade.

And he’s not just convinced he can trance-channel the unalloyed thoughts, fancies and Originalist daydreams of the framers of the Constitution (including that whole, “No chicks or Negroes on the Supreme Court" thing…which is gonna come as a bit of a shock to Ginsburg and Thomas.)

No, turns out that hes also very, very OK with…wait for it…waaaait for it…

Domestic Wiretaps!

And the crowd goes wild!

What a complete non-surprise it is to learn that Little Big Brother would peer deep into his crystal highball glass and decide that maybe it would be a really good idea to offer up this guy:
[In a] memo [that] dealt with whether government officials should have blanket protection from lawsuits when authorizing wiretaps. "I do not question that the attorney general should have this immunity," Alito wrote. "But for tactical reasons, I would not raise the issue here."

…as the swing vote on the court that may be called upon to make some key rulings during the run-up to his impeachment.

This from the AP
Alito Defended Ordering Domestic Wiretaps

By DONNA CASSATA, Associated Press Writer 29 minutes ago

Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito defended the right of government officials to order domestic wiretaps for national security when he worked at the Reagan Justice Department, an echo of President Bush's rationale for spying on U.S. residents in the war on terror.

Then an assistant to the solicitor general, Alito wrote a 1984 memo that provided insights on his views of government powers and legal recourse — seen now through the prism of Bush's actions — as well as clues to the judge's understanding of how the Supreme Court operates.

The National Archives released the memo and scores of other documents related to Alito on Friday; the Associated Press had requested the material under the Freedom of Information Act. The memo comes as Bush is under fire for secretly ordering domestic spying of suspected terrorists without a warrant.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said Monday he would ask Alito about the president's authority at confirmation hearings beginning Jan. 9. The memo's release Friday prompted committee Democrats to signal that they will press the conservative jurist about executive powers.

The memo dealt with whether government officials should have blanket protection from lawsuits when authorizing wiretaps. "I do not question that the attorney general should have this immunity," Alito wrote. "But for tactical reasons, I would not raise the issue here."

Despite Alito's warning that the government would lose, the Reagan administration took the fight to the Supreme Court in the case of whether Nixon's attorney general, John Mitchell, could be sued for authorizing a warrantless domestic wiretap to gather information about a suspected terrorist plot.

The decision was consistent with the Supreme Court's unanimous ruling in 1972 that it was unconstitutional for the government to conduct wiretaps without court approval despite the Nixon administration's argument that domestic anti-war groups and other radicals were a threat to national security.

Alito had advised his bosses to appeal the [Supreme Court's unanimous ruling in 1972 ] case on narrow procedural grounds but not seek blanket immunity.

"There are also strong reasons to believe that our chances of success will be greater in future cases," he wrote. He noted that then-Justice William H. Rehnquist would be a key vote and would recuse himself from the Nixon-era case.

But Democrats seized on the memo and vowed to press Alito on the matter at his confirmation hearings.

"At a time when the nation is faced with revelations that the administration has been wiretapping American citizens, we find that we have a nominee who believes that officials who order warrantless wiretaps of Americans should be immune from legal accountability," said Sen. Edward Kennedy (news, bio, voting record), D-Mass.
Bush picked Alito to take the Supreme Court seat held by Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who is retiring.

Among the documents released Friday was a June 1985 memo in which Alito said abortion rights should be overturned but recommended a roadmap of dismantling them piece by piece instead of a "frontal assault on Roe v. Wade."

The June abortion memo contained the same Alito statements as one dated May 30, 1985, which the National Archives released in November — but with a forward note from Reagan administration Solicitor General Charles Fried acknowledging the volatility of the issue and saying it had to be kept quiet.

"I need hardly say how sensitive this material is, and ask that it have no wider circulation," Fried wrote.
It is important to understand that in the tertiary syphilitic sweatbox imaginations of the Last Defenders of Richard Milhous Nixon, there was never the slightest acknowledgment that Nixon was a criminal or that anyone that carried out that twisted fuck’s dark designs had ever done anything wrong.

Down to their mitochondria, these people despise democracy, plurality and tolerance. In this nation founded by castoffs and castaways, these inbred mole rats have somehow, freakishly acquired a ideological eugenicists fetish for purity. In this nation hammered together by loud-mouths and rebels, they regard any whiff of dissent (but only from the Left) as just cause for dropping a ten-ton safe on your head.

They demand war, and then flee from battle.

They stash their bigotry between Old Glory and the New Testament.

And they love the Constitution so much they have to burn it and then hide the ashes in the ass-crack just to make its absolutely safe.

To such as these, the only sins Nixon ever committed was not burning the tapes, and not finding a way to rig up the Supreme Court with enough radio-controlled Nevada boxing judges so that the most appropriately name Supreme Court case in history – “United States v. Nixon” – could’ve been wired up Mafia-style to come out the “right” way.

Nixon’s fall interrupted their evisceration of democracy in America and rise of their squalid Empire. Now that these people are back running the government, they have picked up right where they left off, and as part of their final act, this Party of Law and Order is striving mightily to make sure that they never again have to let something as trivial as actual “law and order” get in the way of their razing of the republic.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to disagree,DG but those guys have never read the New Testament. Only the Old Testament and Revelations matters to wingnuts. The real teachings of JC Prince of Peace are a mystery.

Anonymous said...

Previous poster is correct. They thump people with the Old Testament. Lately, you haven't heard them nattering about strict construction of the constitution either, as they invent theories of the absolute power of the king, er president. Bunch of phoney fucks.
DGMS don't get me started

jurassicpork said...

Ever consider how much the Bush administration resembles The Big Lebowski? Wonder no kore. Goi to my blog and meet President Dude and AG Walter Sobchak.

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