Saturday, November 26, 2005

Other Bush Infamy Monument Idea(s)

The HalliBurghers of the CPA.

Still in very much motion today, but musing about commentary from the post below compelled me to pull over, run into a local farmhouse, commandeer Mr. & Mrs. Kent's computer and post this up because, hell, I think it's funny.

Against my own nature, I have to keep this brief because I hear the Kent's kid coming, and he's apparently some kind of major-league ass-kicker, so I have to run, but if you can come up with any other ideas for our Dubya Fuckup Statuary Garden on the Mall in DC (Thanks, Mac. Perfect location.) let me know, and if they are very clever, I'll add 'em here.

Albeit irregularly as my schedule allows.

Doesn't even have to be Rodin, although I am partial to his work.

And, no, "The Drinker" wouldn't qualify.

Too obvious.


jurassicpork said...

I have some ideas up on my place. Feel free to link to any of them.

Back I go to my Assclowns of the Week...

Anonymous said...

heh heh..

I just made a 'monument' to Dumbya this morning.

Right after my morning coffee, while reading the paper.

I titled it "yer doin'a heckuva job"

(so gross, I know)

Anonymous said...

I had the damnedest time finding that one in the gardens of the Musée Rodin, but it was worth the hunt. But I have to say I think the Gates of Hell would be more appropriate.