Thursday, November 17, 2005

It's dead, Jim!

And guess who pulled the trigger?

/Begin letter-perfect Harry Reid impersonation here/

Hi. My name is Harry Reid. Your President's one, big, domestic policy item for his second term was going to be the looting of Social Security and the knife in back of the last of Franklin Roosevelt's humane shields against poverty and misery for the poorest and weakest among us.

And I just shoved it right back up his dumb ass and broke off the handle.

You wanna fuck with me?

I head-faked your Maximum Leader into nominating a cuttle-fish to the Supreme Court who showed up for her interviews with "Mrs. Harriet Bush" practice-copied into the pages of her spiral binder so many times it made Nicholson's "All work and no play" opus from "The Shining" look as terse as my dry-cleaning list.

Which so completely unhinged the Sociopath Right Wing that they forced Dubya to drop trou' in the public square so utterly that his "Property of James Dobson" ass-cheek slave-brand was clearly visible from space.

So that's a two-fer.

Oh, and I closed the Senate down and forced Bill "The Doctor Who Lawyers-Up" Frist's head to implode to the point where he was coughing up his own eyeballs on CNN. Over some extremely important national security matters involving treason and other high crimes committed by your President which you have categorically refused to investigate. And as Frist was busying mopping up what was left of his dignity and credibility with the big slab of his ass I'd just handed him, Trent Lott suddenly remembered where he'd packed his vintage Confederate bayonet and took that opportunity to sink it into Frist's kidney all the way to the pommel.

So that's a three-fer.

Your President is visibly melting down (Where have all of those post-vacation, "crisp" decisions gone? Hmm. Perhaps it's time for...another vacation!) and Mr. Mandate's poll ratings are now doing hard time in Hoover country. Cheney's numbers are within a rounding error of actually hitting zero, and he is morphing into a less appetizing version of Spiro Agnew before our very eyes.

And I seem to be able to donkey-punch you at will.

Oh and did I mention that, I'm managing to do this while I'm in the minority?

Can you even imagine what I'm going to do to you despicable creatures when I'm the Majority Leader?

/End of fantastic Harry Reid simulation/

It is time again to do a happy dance. A break out the bottle we only half-finished for Fitzmas and knock back another coupla for Harry Reid. This is not addressed to the poor unnatural mutants that call themselves Moderates, but rather the "We're so screwed! Give up! It's all over!" crowd in my own Party.

Part of winning a war is troops. Part arms. Part weather. Part supply chain. Part air support. Part luck.

And a whole lot of fighting spirit.

The will to win is essential...especially when you're down.

An esprit de corps that'll help you through the dark days.

Winning is terribly hard work because in the process of winning you lose. A lot. That's what it means to be the underdog. To place second. And if you lose a few and sit down and cry, well that's fine. Shit, I do it all the time. But you lean on me, and I'll lean on you, and we'll three-legged-race our way forward, stumbling and falling and getting pissed, but always moving.

However if after every setback you do nothing but sit and wail about how doomed we all are, and how fucked it all is, and how there is nothing ahead but darkness forever...please either get off my team or grow up.

You know what defeat looks like. You know the sting of getting your hopes up and then falling on your ass.


But if you don't sing and dance at a wedding as hard as you mourn and grieve at a funeral, then you're not living. You're either dying, or damaged, or playing Tokyo Rose for the Bad Guys. We simply must learn to recognize a victory when it comes around and really savor it. We have to top-off the tank when we can, 'cause baby, this is a for-real fight we're in and we need all hands on deck.

So, your assignment is as follows.

First, read this...

Bush Social Security Plan Laid to Rest

By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent

The Senate staged sparsely attended burial services Tuesday for President Bush's long-dead plan to remake Social Security through creation of personal accounts. Metaphors outnumbered mourners.

Sen. Rick Santorum (news, bio, voting record), R-Pa., said every attempt to reach across party lines on Social Security had "met with a partisan obstructionism that is as rock-solid as the marble before me on the rostrum" in the Senate chamber.

Sen. Max Baucus (news, bio, voting record), D-Mont., dismissed the maneuvering as political theater.

"Everyone knows this is not really a serious effort," he said. "It's just an attempt frankly to make a statement to the press and the people back home."

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid blocked Santorum's effort to force a full floor debate on the measure. "This legislation is a sham. S-H-A-M," he said. "Social Security benefits are guaranteed today. ... It's the law of the land."

Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., joining forces with Santorum, wanted a debate on legislation requiring the government to place surplus payroll taxes into individual accounts set up in the name of all workers who pay into Social Security. He called the measure a "Stop the Raid Bill," referring to the Social Security trust funds, and noted that the government currently spends the surplus payroll tax money on other federal programs.

"My Democratic colleagues oppose ownership," he said. "They want the government to continue to spend the money on other things. ... They say it's going to increase the deficit. Again, not true. All this does is make us honest with our accounting."

Reid objected once again, calling it "simply another bill to privatize Social Security."

By its action, the Senate thus sealed a place in history for Bush's proposals — a defeat administered to a president at the dawn of a second term by a Democratic minority demoralized by the loss of seats in the same elections.

...confronted with near-unanimous Democratic opposition and polls showing voter unhappiness with Bush's proposals, Republicans flinched. Legislation failed to reach the floor of either the House or Senate.

Then stand up and say out-loud, "Fucking -A!!" and enjoy it. Swagger around tomorrow just a bit and when your shoes pinch a little remember that your guys just beat the invincible GOP juggernaut.

To. Its. Knees.

Find a moment to raise a glass to our own "Give 'Em Hell, Harry" and try to remember one win for every loss. One kiss on the lips for every scar on your back. Not idiot Pollyannaism, just balance. Just some hard-headed optimism and pragmatic hope, based on the solid footing afforded by our core beliefs. We don't want to win just because losing sucks: we need to win because, for all of our flaws, we're right, they're horribly wrong, and every day they are in office does damage to our nation. And when we sink our roots deep into that, we become stong, happy warriors able to weather the vicissitudes of passing storms.

Because the battle is not over.

Far from it.

The battle has just begun.


Anonymous said...

All well and good, Drifty, but aren't you overlooking the rigged voting machines? That's THE crucial battle. If the forces of truth (note I did not say "the Democrats", on account of the DLC types) can compel the Elephascists into giving up riggable voting machines and other such skullduggery, all else will fall into place, since the majority of Americans are not fascists. However, as long as the Elephascists are free to use their usual array of dirty tricks, they will keep "winning majorities".

Anonymous said...

Someone didn't read the memo...

Anonymous said...

ivory bill woodpecker has a good point, and yet the wins in NJ and Virginia show that when we are strongly in the majority, they can't fuck with the results. So our goal must be for no more "close" races. We need the living crap out of these thugs in every election.

Anonymous said...

whoops - need more coffee...

the last line should read
we need TO BEAT the living crap etc etc.

Anonymous said...

Frist borked by hairy reed.

Anonymous said...

"Someone" might read memos, but not believe in blindly following them.

Anonymous said...

Drifty, you are one of my daily blog reads. Finest kind work. One nitpick, however (a really little one). "To. Its. Knees." Not "To. It's. (It is). Knees."

Keep up the good work soldier.

That is all.

Charles Perez said...

A well needed kick in the metaphorical ass of Democrats and Lefties everywhere. And damned if it doesn't look like more victories on the horizon!!

In every war, the victors have always lost some (or many) battles. Hard to remember that in the trenches, but true, nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

remember, rove and bush are mean-ass weasels and a cornered, wounded mean-ass weasel is a... a... meaner-assedly weasely mean-ass weasel.

or something.

you know what i mean. be careful when handling stinging insects, in the wise words of lazarus long.

Cathie from Canada said...

Always remember: we have met the enemy and he is NOT US!

Anonymous said...

Lazurus Long Quota' - Indeed, Yes!
more from the notebooks;

If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for ... but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. By this rule you will rarely go wrong.


Political tags -- such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth -- are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.

Anonymous said...

I've never really needed an excuse to have a drink, but by all means, libations are in order.

Just as an aside, Santorum is of course too dense to realize how much his "rock-solid as marble" metaphor compliments his oppostion.

jurassicpork said...

Cheer me up, Drifty. My numbers are tanking. I'm back to where I started. How the hell do I get a regular readership that's more than you can squeeze into a phone booth?

But this almost did the trick. I'll bet Tom Gilroy's beginning to regret that stupid post he made on the HuffPo last week as to why we should wave the fucking white flag and surrender to the skull and crossbones.

The first half of this post looked and sounded almost like a summary of my upcoming Assclowns of the Week. It's gojng to be dominated, as you can expect, by the plate-spinning, finger-pointing and rat-finking that we've been seeing from the administration since Veteran's Day.

Civic Center said...

That was a rousing speech to the troops and I totally agree with you. This is just the beginning of the battle, though quite a few people, including yourself, have been playing "scouts" for some time. Congratulations on the victory.

Anonymous said...

mmmmm... good news while on vacation in New Zealand... Still a daily read for me, even at the internet cafes in the Southern Hemisphere. Thanks DG

Fran / Blue Gal said...

Yeah some of us wimps were ready to move to Canada just 12 months ago. Blue Gal said we needed to fight dammit then and we need to fight dammit now. God bless Harry Reid and Drifty. xoxoxo

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Sgt.: Shut up.

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